(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:16
First Nations Version
“Look and listen! I am sending you out like sheep into a pack of wolves, so be as crafty as snakes but as harmless and gentle as doves.
Archwiliwch (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:16
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:39
The ones who care only for their own life will fail to find life, but the ones who will lay down their life for me will find true life.
Archwiliwch (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:39
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:28
“Have no fear of your opponents, for they can only kill the body, but not your inner being. Instead, fear the one who can bring an end to your entire being in the Valley of Smoldering Fire.
Archwiliwch (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:28
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:38
The ones who fail to pick up their cross and walk the road with me do not know my worth.
Archwiliwch (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:38
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:32-33
“All who represent me before others I will represent before my Father from above. But the ones who disown me will be disowned before my Father above.
Archwiliwch (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:32-33
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:8
Heal all who are sick, cleanse the ones with skin diseases, raise the dead, and force evil spirits out of people. Give away the things I have given to you and ask no price for your service.
Archwiliwch (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:8
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:30-31
Are you not worth more to him than many small winged ones? He knows the number of hairs on your head, so do not fear the ones who stand against you.
Archwiliwch (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:30-31
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:34
“Do you look for me to bring peace to this troubled land?
Archwiliwch (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10:34