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FCA: The Relentless Devotional For CompetitorsUkázka

FCA: The Relentless Devotional For Competitors

DEN 28 z 31

Finish Strong

Rex Stump


“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” – 2 Timothy 4:7


The Apostle Paul penned the phrase “finish the race” around A.D. 63when Nero was the Roman Emperor. Nero was described as an undisciplined and selfish Emperor. History says that Nero entered the Olympics and bribed the officials to hold the Games out of sequence to suit his own purposes. He persuaded judges to disqualify competitors in order to compete only against himself and win six events. According to the writer Suetonius, despite falling from his chariot in a 10-horse race and not finishing, Nero was declared the victor anyway. He may have been the Roman Emperor, but he was no champion. Nero did not finish the race!

You see, life is not just about running the race; it’s about completing the race. Anyone can enter, anyone can try out, anyone can show up, but only champions know how to finish strong.

In 2011, Notre Dame held their first night football game against their USC rival. The atmosphere was built up: newly sparkle-painted helmets, blasting music and thousands of towel-waving fans. The hype was huge, but in the first quarter USC dominated. At the end of the game, the USC players commented that they thought the Notre Dame players gave up. The loss was disappointing, but what made matters worse is that people questioned the Notre Dame players’ attitudes.

Never let anyone question whether you gave up.

Win or lose, you always finish what you started. Good or bad, always remain committed to finishing the job. Like Paul, be able to say that you have competed, you have finished, and you are faithful!


  1. Am I known for finishing strong?
  2. Am I known for being faithful to completing what I start?
  3. If not, what needs to change?


Deuteronomy 13:4
Proverbs 3:3
Acts 20:24


Heavenly Father, give me strength to finish strong. When I’m tired, when the opposition rises up, help me to be faithful to You and finish strong!

Den 27Den 29

O tomto plánu

FCA: The Relentless Devotional For Competitors

Are you ready to relentlessly pursue Jesus Christ in your sport? The FCA Relentless Devotional speaks directly to the heart of the competitor by dealing with issues that coaches and athletes face on and off the field of competition. This 31-day plan will also help establish a consistent, daily quiet time with God, and includes extra readings and suggested prayer.


We would like to thank the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.fca.org/