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31 Days to FullUkázka

31 Days to Full

DEN 14 z 31

“Even during the plowing season and harvest.” Rest isn’t only during the off season. That means you need to find moments of rest in the midst of your serving, in the midst of your pour.

Oftentimes we don’t rest until it’s too late. Burnout sets in, and then your body forces you to rest. That isn’t what the word instructs us to do.

How do you currently make time for rest? What steps can you take to ensure you carve out consistent rest time?

Den 13Den 15

O tomto plánu

31 Days to Full

You weren't designed to be empty. God has given us all the tools we need to remain full. At any given moment, when you are feeling empty, go to the source: God. This devotional was designed to help you reconnect to the source. It's a 31-day journey of scripture and thought-provoking journal prompts that will challenge you and also help you find your way to full.
