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30 Day Prayer Challenge for Your HusbandUkázka

30 Day Prayer Challenge for Your Husband

DEN 22 z 30

“The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.”

Dear God,

I thank You for the financial freedom that is available because of You! I pray that You would break the chains of debt that hold my husband captive, and give him the strength and wisdom to overcome generational curses of poverty, in the Name of Jesus. I bind and cancel the generational curse of poverty over our lives right now in the Name of Jesus! Lord release Divine Provision and elevation in our lives today! Help him to seek Your Wisdom and Guidance in financial endeavors and to trust in Your Provision, knowing that You are the One who can truly set him free. Help him to be a good steward of the resources You have given him. I ask that Your favor rest upon him as he seeks to honor You with his finances. May he find his security and hope in You alone, and may his trust in You grow stronger with each passing day.

In the Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Challenge: Pause and reflect. Ask yourself, "In what ways have I contributed to financial freedom in our marriage?" Are you a part of the solution? Ask God to reveal the answer to you if you don't know. If you have not been a part of the solution, understand that "there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (Romans 8:1) We have to practice walking in the Spirit in order for us to achieve God's best for us.

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O tomto plánu

30 Day Prayer Challenge for Your Husband

Whether you're a newlywed, about to tie the knot, or celebrating fifty years of marriage, this devotional is designed just for you. Regardless of where you are in your marital journey, the importance of uplifting your husband in prayer remains constant. Embrace the challenge of establishing a wholesome daily prayer routine, one that not only uplifts your husband but also deepens your connection with God.
