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What Hinders Your Purpose?Ukázka

What Hinders Your Purpose?

DEN 4 z 5

When Pleasure Becomes a Pursuit

The hallmark of a meaningful life is not just in the pleasurable moments we share with the world; it is in the fulfilment of the purpose we are created for and our contribution to humankind in our given capacity.

Yes, God wants us to enjoy life and enjoy it to the fullest (John 10:10), but not at the expense of our divine purpose or calling.

King Solomon is a good example of one who allowed his enjoyment to overshadow his purpose. He said, "I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure..." (Ecc. 2:10 NIV). These are hedonistic tendencies that always limit God's calling on our life.

Life is a mixture of pleasure and pain, and the ultimate goal of life is not just living for pleasure. At any standard or level, King Solomon had a good time. There was nothing wrong with that, but there comes a time when good is good enough, and this was the wisdom gap for the King.

In 1 Kings 11:11 (NKJV), the Bible says, "Therefore the Lord said to Solomon, “Because you have done this, and have not kept My covenant and My statutes, which I have commanded you, I will certainly tear the kingdom away from you and give it to your servant."

Everything that the King built was torn apart just after his death. Sometimes with great wisdom also comes great foolishness; what a strange paradox.

Human desire is insatiable, but anyone who will rise to greatness and fulfill God's purpose for their life must carefully curate their options and discipline their appetite. For Daniel, it was denying himself the King's food (Daniel 1:8-16). For Joseph, it was refusing intimacy with Potiphar's wife (Genesis 39). Everything that can bring pleasure also has an inherent power to bring about damage and downfall. It was Judas's love for money, Samson's love for prostitutes, and Noah's love for alcohol, to name a few. Every "Superman" has their kryptonite; wisdom demands that they don't play around it.

As we enjoy the fullness of life God has given to us, the question is, how far is too far? It is when our godly standard is compromised, just as King Solomon. When our morals, integrity, ethics, and values become questionable in the name of pleasure, that is too far.

Our purpose becomes endangered and is at risk when pleasures become the ultimate goal or the driver of our life. "

"For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and losses his own soul?" (Mark 8:36 NKJV).

Everything good must be enjoyed moderately. Otherwise, our purpose stands the risk of being hindered. If your heart is convicted at these words, take it to Jesus and ask for His power to be made strong in you to overcome anything that is hindering your purpose.

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O tomto plánu

What Hinders Your Purpose?

God's plan is for you to live a meaningful, impactful, and purposeful life, but sometimes things get in the way. What are the things that endanger God's plan for your life? What should you look out for when your purpose is at risk? This devotional is a manifesto for a life of meaning, relevance, and significance.
