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Answering God's CallUkázka

Answering God's Call

DEN 1 z 3

Confidence in Your Calling

Listen to the audio file to hear the complete devotional with accompanying worship music, and find a written version below: 

Have you ever struggled with self-doubt in your calling, or what you believe you’ve been called to do with your life? In this devotional, we’re going to explore Moses’s calling, and we’re going to learn why and how Christians can experience confidence in their own callings! 

From within a burning bush, God calls Moses to be the deliverer of his people, the Israelities, from their slavery in Egypt. Moses replies in disbelief, saying, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?” Moses is hesitant to accept God’s calling. He doesn’t think he’s the right guy for the job.

God reaffirms Moses with his presence. He says, “Certainly I will be with you.” But Moses is still afraid. He asks God what he should say when the Israelities ask him God’s name. In other words, he needs some validation to prove that he actually met with God and received this calling. God responds to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM... say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” The name “I AM”, or Yahweh in the Hebrew, implies that God has no beginning and no end. He is independent from all other forces, and everything else is dependent on him. He is constant and unchanging. He is the absolute standard of truth and reality. 

This name and its implications are so significant because they are the basis of Moses’s calling. God and his attributes serve as Moses’s credentials. Because the one and only God sent Moses, Moses can be trusted as the leader of the Israelites. And because this God is greater than everything else in the world, Moses can carry out his assignment in confidence as he leads his people towards their future of freedom and new life. 

Moses was uniquely called by God for a special purpose. But God has called us as believers to a special purpose as well. This calling is to go and make disciples, a disciple being someone who is committed to following Christ as their Lord and Savior. Put simply, we make disciples by reflecting Christ and his love to the world, through both actions and words. The working-out of this calling may look different from person to person...Teachers share the love of Christ with their students, parents with their kids, employees with their co-workers, students with their classmates... But no matter what sphere God places you in, your calling remains the same: go and make disciples. We are called to point people towards spiritual freedom and life in God. 

Like Moses, you may question your competency to carry out this calling. But the good news is, our calling as Christians is not based on our performance or abilities. It’s not based on our occupation or relationship status or age. It’s not based on our successes and failures. Our calling is based on God and his character. Just like Moses, we get our credentials and our confidence to carry out our calling from God. Our message means something because it was given by the one and only God. And our confidence is valid because God’s presence is with us!

Den 2

O tomto plánu

Answering God's Call

In this three part series, learn how God equips his people in their callings through the story of Moses, who was called to lead the Israelites out of their slavery in Egypt. In God, Christians can find confidence, strength and assurance to live out their calling!
