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Believing God Is Good No Matter What

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Family Favor

God’s favor flows as naturally into our lives as a father’s favor flows into the lives of his children. (And He is the greatest picture of a father you could ever dream of or imagine.) God loves you. He considers you his kid, and that makes you a generational recipient of his blessing.

Don’t feel like you need to apologize to people, or legitimize God’s goodness to those that may not understand or agree. There are always people waiting to criticize your victory or ignore your timely blessing, because they felt someone else was more deserving. In fact, if you’ve ever felt that someone doesn’t deserve a blessing they’ve received (hey, we’ve all been there . . .), you’re probably right! But here’s a sobering moment of truth for all of us: we cannot resent undeserved favor in someone else’s life if we’re going to welcome it in our own.

When we start to understand that favor is an expression of God’s grace, we are able to comprehend that the favor that we receive—exactly like grace—is disproportionate to what we deserve.

Think about it: What are some examples in your life where you’ve received unexpected or undeserved favor?

PRAY: God, thank you for being a Father to me. No matter what my earthly dad has been like, you are a generous Father and have ongoing favor in store for my future. Teach me today to accept the family favor that you have put on me as your kid. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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O tomto plánu

Believing God Is Good No Matter What

V dnešní době existují jisté zprávy, uvnitř i vně církve, které jsou nesprávným poselstvím o Boží přízni. Ve skutečnost nám Bůh není povinen poskytovat dobré věci, ale chce nám je dávat. Příštích pět dnů vám pomůže získat nový pohled na úžasnou a nepopíratelnou dobrotu Boží.


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