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Mary's TreasureUkázka

Mary's Treasure

DEN 15 z 24

Fit for a King

The years passed so quickly, my infant could walk

When there at the door unexpected guests balked.

Some kings from the east were amazed to behold

The new king they searched for to give gifts of gold.

Bowed low to the ground, purple robes splayed behind,

Their garments laid over the floor intertwined

Creating a carpet quite fit for a king.

I bent to collect a loosed deep purple string.

They also gave presents of frankincense, myrrh, 

Some spices quite common with dead to inter.

An interesting choice, but before I opined,

They warned us King Herod was not far behind.

Den 14Den 16

O tomto plánu

Mary's Treasure

In this devotional written from the perspective of Jesus' mother, Mary vulnerably and honestly details the intimate moments of her experience as a mom. In each compelling scene, Mary treasures a small token to remember it by. Little does she know the divine significance each item will play in the ultimate purpose of her son’s role on earth.
