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Journey To The Resurrection

DEN 5 z 11

After entering Jerusalem as the King of kings on Palm Sunday, Jesus returned to the suburb of Bethany to stay the night with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. On Monday morning, He and His disciples climbed the ascent back up to the Holy City.

Along the way, He cursed a fig tree that did not bear fruit (Mark 11:12–14). Since the vine was a symbol for the nation of Israel, His displeasure showed that the religious legalism of their culture was barren and that God wants our lives to bear fruit for His kingdom.

Jesus entered the temple in Jerusalem, where He encountered moneychangers charging exorbitant exchange rates to convert the people’s money into the currency required to buy animals for sacrifice. They then demanded unfair prices for the only animals the priests would accept. 

In anger, Jesus drove these corrupt merchants from God’s “house of prayer” (vv. 15–17). When they used the temple to advance their purposes rather than God's kingdom, they forfeited both.His action infuriated and embarrassed the religious authorities who profited by the extortion (v. 18).

How are these events relevant to this Monday? 

Human nature doesn’t change—you and I face the same challenges as those who were present in the Temple on that Monday. Like them, we are tempted by the transactional religion: keep the laws of our faith so God will bless us. As they sacrificed animals in hopes of securing divine favor, so we sacrifice money and time. If we go to church on Sunday, God will bless us on Monday. If we read the Bible and pray, God will guide and help us.

Jesus invites us today to trade the legalism of religion for the grace of relationship with Him. Worship, study Scripture, and serve because God loves you, not so He will. 

Your life is the “temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16). So make it a “house of prayer” in which you practice the presence of Jesus all day long.

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Journey To The Resurrection

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