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Praying For Your Elephant - Praying Bold Prayers

DEN 6 z 7

Hearing it Firsthand

Committing to having God be your primary form of counsel is crucial in knowing the right paths to walk on in your life.

Here is a truth. Jesus did not die on a cross so that he could continue to speak to you primarily through some other person, movie, or book. Christ came and suffered to be known intimately by you and to open up the the lines of communication blocked by the fall of mankind. He came that He might speak mightily and directly to you. Scripture is clear when it says "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need." It does not say that we are to approach the throne standing behind a human mediator.

This is such a beautiful and poignant verse. The throne God sits on is a throne of grace that will offer you what you need and allow you to receive mercy and find grace. If you have been wondering where grace went in your life, you can find it at God's throne.

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O tomto plánu

Praying For Your Elephant - Praying Bold Prayers

Ponořte se do dobrodružství života naplňující modlitby. Připojte se k pastoru Adamu Stadtmillerovi, aby jste se naučili modlit své "sloní modlitby" - modlit se za věci, které jsou větší než vy sami-  zatímco získáváte důvěrnější vztah s Bohem. Tento sedmidenní plán je úvodem do vašich smělých modliteb.


Chtěli bychom poděkovat Davidovi C.Cookovi za poskytnutí tohoto plánu. Pro více informací navštivte následující stránky http://www.dccpromo.com/praying_for_your_elephant/