Od svatebního dne dál - Craig&Amy GroeschelUkázka
Never Give Up
When you exchange rings and vows and enter into the covenant of marriage, you’re dedicating yourself to love “until death do us part.” But what happens when the love runs dry? What happens if only one of you chooses to read this Bible plan? What do you do when the worst happens, and those vows are shattered by unfaithfulness? Whatever you’re facing, even if it could be grounds for divorce, that means it can also be grounds for forgiveness.
Marriage is one of the toughest ways that we can see the proverb “iron sharpens iron” play out. No matter what fault you find in your spouse, the truth is, there are always ways that you need to grow and develop, too. If that wedding band starts to feel more like a handcuff, then you have a decision to make: you can decide to forgive what seems unforgivable. You can decide to extend the grace that God gave you to your spouse. You can decide to own up to your mistakes. When your car runs out of gas, you don’t sell it. You put more gas in! Let God love through you. And never give up.
Let’s pray together: Jesus, when I feel like I don’t have any love left to give, help me to love with Your love. Help me to keep the vows I made to You, even when I no longer feel them. Help me give the same grace You’ve given me. And be my strength on the days when I want to give up. I trust that You’re big enough to hold us together. In Your Name we pray, amen.
O tomto plánu
Můžete mít úžasné manželství. Volba, kterou dnes uděláte, určí jaké manželství budete mít zítra. Pastor a podle New York Times nejprodávanější autor Craig Groeschel a jeho manželka Amy, vám ukáží jak pět závazků může pomoci ochránit manželství před selháním. Hledat Boha, férový boj, užívat si zábavu, zachování manželské věrnosti a nikdy se nevzdát. Získejte manželství, jaké jste vždycky chtěli, začínáme právě teď - Od svatebního dne dál.