It’s About God: The “Who” Precedes The “What”نموونە

It’s About God: The “Who” Precedes The “What”

DAY 5 OF 7



God’s will included a five-star destination

Not only did God provide silver and gold for Moses’ people, but He also provided a destination for them that would prove more satisfying than a free trip to Disney World for the entire family (a vacation of a lifetime in Orlando, filled with theme parks and food, with all the tips paid for based upon the amount of food served). He told Moses that a “good and spacious land” was before them, “a land flowing with milk and honey”. What in the world does that mean? When we think of a country’s key natural resources, we tend to think in terms of oil or precious minerals; for example, gold in California and coal in West Virginia. But God had something a little different in mind. Honey and milk were staples of the Israelites diet. They were an agrarian people, and God was promising a rich land for the grazing of their flocks (remember Moses’ primary occupation?) and for growing their vineyards.

The grasses would feed the goats, and the goats in turn would give milk. The good soil would grow the grapes and other vegetation, which would in turn yield wine and a pollen that bees use to make their sweet honey. God was promising to provide a fertile land that would support them and meet their most basic daily needs.

Maybe you’re thinking, Great… goats for milk and bees for honey. Just what I don’t need. Gold I could always use, but what I’m really after is a job [or a wife, or a buyer for my business, or a cure for an illness]. Well, I think He’s got those things covered too. If God could plunder the Egyptians for gold and prepare a land rich in the very resources His children most needed, don’t you believe He can provide equally well for you? The apostle Paul thought so. He said: “My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus”, and “He who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” If you feel that God is not providing for you, are you walking in His will? Because the God of God’s will supplies—and His will never lacks His provision.

ڕۆژی 4ڕۆژی 6

About this Plan

It’s About God: The “Who” Precedes The “What”

When we set sail to know God before knowing His will, we find that the all-mighty God of the eternal present, is also a loving and merciful Father. As a natural consequence of knowing God, we get to know His will and, with it, the Lord grants us His provision and a premium destiny. The true essence of knowing Him and His will, we learn though, is to worship Him.       
