Lessons From Kingsنموونە

Lessons From Kings

DAY 4 OF 5

King Josiah - Lineage Doesn't Equal Legacy

In 2 Kings 22 and 23 we read the account of a king that often isn't known as well as our other examples. King Josiah had no great military exploits and no amazing building projects; however, what he did have was a heart for truth and the One True God. For 340 and some odd years, the Kingdom of Israel, now split in half between Israel and Judah, had turned its back on God. The worship of false gods set in place by Solomon had taken a toll.

At 16 years old, Josiah burst on to the scene as King of Judah. Following his father, who was one of many wicked kings, Josiah had a very important choice to make. King Josiah had to choose his lineage or his God. We read "He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and followed completely the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left."  (2 Kings 22:2) Josiah made a choice to serve God and follow him regardless of what his lineage said he would do. He would go on to restore the temple of God and reinstate the law of God. It says in 2 Kings 23:25 that there was never a king so devoted to the Lord either before him or after him.

We have all heard the sayings:

  • "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
  • "Like father like son." or "Like mother like daughter."
  • "They're a chip off the old block."

Often in our lives we are considered a product of our lineage and environment. People forget that we have a choice in who we will be. We begin to believe the lies of the enemy and fall into this trap that our lineage denotes the legacy we can shape and leave. So how did Josiah overcome the noise of the 340+ years of wickedness? 

  1. He accepted that age did not matter to God.
  2. He sought after the Lord and found Him. 
  3. He followed God, completely.

We have the same opportunity today. No matter our age, it is never too early or late to start rising above our lineage and environment. When we seek after and follow God in an intentional relationship, He will be found and lead us. We have a Kingdom driven purpose and destiny, and if we look to Christ, we will be more than what the world sees in us.


What does the world see in your lineage? What past events and problems do you need to overcome? Are you seeking God and his desires for your life? What is the Kingdom legacy that God wants for you?

Your lineage doesn't denote your legacy in the Kingdom! Break the cycle - BE MORE!

ڕۆژی 3ڕۆژی 5

About this Plan

Lessons From Kings

Most people have favorite books of the Bible but 1 and 2 Kings are not usually high on the list! The lives of the Kings in the Old Testament offer a wealth of wisdom. In this devotional, we will look at the accounts of Saul, David, Solomon, Josiah, and Jesus. By drawing lessons from their recorded failures and successes we can gain wisdom to apply to our lives today.
