7 Sins That May Hinder God's Plan for You in Your Retirementنموونە

7 Sins That May Hinder God's Plan for You in Your Retirement

DAY 2 OF 7

2. WORRY hinders God’s Plan for Your Retirement

Last time, we looked at the sin of PRIDE, which is often more common among those who were in positions of authority or great respect at their work. This time, we look at the sin of WORRY.

It may be the case that your finances or your health are not in the state you want for your golden years. Retirement may cut your income, while expenses remain the same. Or maybe you stopped your work early, on account of a medical condition.

Things might not be looking good, with a forecast that says nothing is going to get easier or better in the years ahead either. In short, the outlook is bleak and you are stressed.

WORRY seems to be a daily event in your life, and it is preventing you from doing much of anything well, let alone finding and completing God’s plan.

Let me share a personal insight to help out.

About 6 months ago, I was put in hospital for observation and testing of an undiagnosed illness. The condition was taking me down – energy levels were low and lower, and the range of activities that I was able to engage in was growing smaller. The doctors didn’t know what was going on, and even though it didn’t seem that I was going to be bedridden or wheelchair-bound, all of it was very concerning to me.

What did I do? Well, after some struggles on my own, one night when I couldn’t sleep, I spent time talking to God. It was an extended prayer, I guess, although it seemed more like a mental conversation to me at the time. My conversation went kind of like this:

God, I don’t know what’s going on, but I know you are in control. Now I need your help. Can I ask you to allow me the ability to dress myself, feed myself, go to the toilet myself, and work at my computer to write and help others in the years ahead, regardless of how this condition may progress? Just as you set boundaries around your servant Job to protect him from the enemy, can I ask for some the same? Thanks and amen.

That was it. In my prayer, I released the concerns of my health over to God, trusting Him to protect me as He did for His servant Job. Will God honor that all the remaining days of my life? Yes, I believe He will – well, at least until I actually get to the very last chapter.

So what has that prayer and my belief done for me? It has taken away my WORRY – that tool that the enemy wanted to use to block my alignment with God’s plan for the rest of my days has been removed. I am re-energized and free to step out in faith.

Can you do that for your WORRY also? Can you give it over to God so that He can use you for the plans He has for the rest of your life? I think you can…

Let’s review the Bible verses from today to see how true this is:

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? … But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.– Matthew 6:27,33
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.– Philippians 4:12-13

Overcoming your WORRY re-energizes you to be the SAINT in action that God intends!

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About this Plan

7 Sins That May Hinder God's Plan for You in Your Retirement

In part 3 of our series on what the Bible says about retirement, we look at the top 7 sins that can get in the way of God’s plan for you in your retirement. Now that you have more time, experience, and ability to do things, the enemy wants to derail your impact, especially when it comes to God’s plan for you. Join us as we look at 7 sins that may hinder your efforts to help build God’s kingdom in your retirement life.
