Staying Free After Breaking Freeنموونە

Staying Free After Breaking Free

DAY 12 OF 15


From the time we are very young, we are encouraged to be tough, hide behind our true feelings, and as the saying goes, never let them see you sweat.

The idea behind this axiom became the unspoken catchphrase in my life for many years—never let people see the real you, the broken you, the disordered you.

After I broke free from my eating disorder, God began teaching me a new life mantra—authenticity.

Authenticity was a stark contrast to the through-line I’d clung to for years—secrecy and shame. The new refrain implored me to break down my self-built walls and come out from behind my carefully crafted mask. God was asking me to stop hiding and start living—to show the world the real me.

The first time I’d had a chance to see authenticity play out in real life was through a woman I grew to love and respect greatly. Her name was Anita. We originally met through Bible study at the church we attended together, but it was some time later before I heard her whole story. Her authenticity changed my perception of vulnerability forever.

Anita shared her testimony in front of our entire church congregation and held nothing back. She was raw, real, and relatable, talking openly about the abortion she had as a teenager and the unexpected death of her other daughter when she was only a teen. She boldly shared that if she had not received Christ’s healing and forgiveness before her teen daughter’s death, she would have believed God was punishing her for the abortion she had years before.

Her powerful story revealed that our God is a God of forgiveness, love, and grace—not condemnation.

I had never heard anyone be so forthright about the intimate details of their life and with such sincerity. I remember being surprised by my emotionally charged reaction. Instead of seeing Anita as weak, I saw her as the strongest woman I’d ever met.

God used this woman’s testimony to pave the way for my own public unveiling at a women's retreat years later when I chose to talk openly about my battle with bulimia. With my feet planted firmly on the road to freedom, I was eager to talk about the faithfulness of God and how He had set me free through the truth of His Word.

Friends, we live in a world where many are afraid to remove their masks and be real with others because they fear the chastisement that might follow. But that’s rarely how people respond to those who are courageous enough to be real. Being broken does not equate to being branded in God's economy.

Sweet sister, share your story openly anytime God presents the opportunity, and remember, when we remove our masks, others feel permission to do the same.


Have you ever openly shared your struggles with anyone? If so, how was the experience, and what was the listener’s reaction? Did you feel better or worse after sharing?


Lord, you promise to bring beauty from our ashes. When we are weak, you are strong. Help me to recognize opportunities when you want me to take off my mask and allow others to see the authentic me. The me that reveals your power and grace along my journey. Amen.

ڕۆژی 11ڕۆژی 13

About this Plan

Staying Free After Breaking Free

It was 2003 when I looked into the mirror and fully surrendered my 25-year battle with bulimia over to Jesus. Although I had been working on recovery with the Lord for more than a year, I realized there was one final step before freedom was truly mine. Twenty-one-years later, I am still walking in freedom! Breaking free is only part of the battle. Staying free requires a new level of strength and strategy. This plan reveals several keys to success that have guided my personal freedom-journey, and they can help you stay free too.
