The Strangers on the Roadنموونە

The Strangers on the Road

DAY 4 OF 7

The Priest On The Road

What Do We Know About The Priest?

In the Jewish context, a priest is a descendant of Aaron (Moses’ brother), who has responsibilities in the Jerusalem temple. They were the most prominent religious leaders of the time, yet this particular priest intentionally distanced himself from a man who obviously needed help.

How Does The Priest Point To Jesus?

The author of Hebrews has this to say on the subject: “Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin” (Heb. 4:14-15). In the last two days of this Bible study, we discussed how Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice on our behalf. Amazingly, Jesus is our great high priest, meaning He is both the Lamb who was slain and the one who offered the sacrifice!

How Do These Answers Impact Us?

If you’ve followed Jesus for any length of time, there’s a high likelihood that someone in Christian leadership has hurt you. You felt like the man on the road while the person who was supposed to help you kept on walking. You can find comfort in knowing that Jesus is your great high priest, and He will never pass you by!

Big Idea:

Jesus is our great high priest, meaning He is both the Lamb who was slain and the one who offered the sacrifice. You can find comfort in knowing that Jesus will never pass you by, and He will equip you to serve the hurting people in your world!

Let's Think About This

Question #1: What is one thing that “jumped out” to you while reading Luke 10:31?

Question #2: Have you ever been hurt by someone in leadership? What was that experience like?

Question #3: Once you place your faith in Jesus, you’re called to share Him with others. Even if you’re not a pastor or priest, you still have a responsibility to pursue hurting people, not avoid them. What is something you can do today to serve the hurting people in your world?

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About this Plan

The Strangers on the Road

During this seven-day Bible study, we will take a closer look at each character in the parable of the Good Samaritan and seek to answer three questions: 1. What do we know about the stranger? 2. How does the stranger point to Jesus? 3. How do these answers impact us? As we examine Luke 10:25-37, it becomes clear that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are revealed in every detail of this famous story!
