ABBA - Made in Our Father's Imageنموونە

ABBA - Made in Our Father's Image

DAY 10 OF 10

Day 10: Encountering God Transforms Your Life

Encountering God is a profound and life-altering experience that has the power to transform not just the course of our lives, but our very essence—who we are, what we believe, and how we live. Throughout the Bible, we find numerous stories of men and women whose lives were dramatically changed after encountering God. These divine moments didn’t just alter their personal paths; they shaped the course of history and left a lasting legacy of faith and transformation.

In the Scriptures, encountering God often marks the beginning of a new journey—whether it’s a shift in purpose, a call to a mission, or a profound inner transformation. These encounters reveal the heart of God and His desire to intimately engage with His people. Whether through a vision, a voice, or a miraculous event, God’s presence brings clarity, direction, and a renewed sense of identity and purpose.

These encounters are not just historical events but living realities that can shape our lives today. When we open ourselves to God’s presence, we invite Him to mold us, direct us, and empower us to live out His will with passion and purpose.


  • Encountering God Brings Change

Think back to a time in your life when you encountered God in a meaningful way. How did that experience change your direction, thinking, or heart? Reflect on how God has used that encounter to shape your journey of faith and consider how He might be calling you to continue growing in His grace.

  • Encountering God Brings New Purpose

Reflect on the ways God has given you new purpose after encountering Him. What specific mission or calling has He placed on your life? How are you living out that purpose today, and in what ways might God be calling you to step even further into His plan for you?

  • Encountering God Brings Transformation

Consider the areas of your life where you need transformation. How can you open yourself to encounter God in a way that leads to deeper change in your heart, mind, and actions? Reflect on the power of God’s presence to transform your life, just as He transformed Isaiah’s.

Closing Thought: When we encounter God, everything changes. These divine encounters bring new direction, purpose, and transformation that are essential for our growth as believers. Just as Saul became Paul, Moses was called to lead, and Isaiah was purified and commissioned, we too are changed when we meet God. Our lives take on new meaning and direction as we align ourselves with His will and embrace the identity and purpose He gives us.

As we conclude our ten-day journey, we are reminded that knowing God as Abba—our Father—is central to our faith and identity. We have explored the depth of God’s love, the significance of being His children, and the ways in which we can reflect His character in our daily lives.

Throughout this study, we have seen how the Father’s heart is revealed in the Old Testament, in the life and teachings of Jesus, and in the call to holiness that each of us carries. We have also confronted the barriers that prevent us from truly experiencing God as Father, recognizing that healing and restoration are possible when we surrender our wounds to Him.

Now, as we move forward, the challenge before us is to live out the truth that we are made in our Father’s image. This is not just a title or a concept; it is a way of life. We are called to be holy as He is holy, to extend His love and grace to those around us, and to walk in the confidence that we are His beloved children.

Let this study be a starting point for a deeper, ongoing relationship with God as Abba. May we continually seek to know Him more, to trust Him fully, and to reflect His love in all we do. As we embrace our identity in Christ, let us remember that we are never alone—our Father is always with us, guiding, protecting, and loving us every step of the way.

May the truth of being made in our Father’s image inspire and empower you to live a life that honors Him, bringing glory to His name and reflecting His heart to the world.

ڕۆژی 9

About this Plan

ABBA - Made in Our Father's Image

Discover the profound truth that we are made in God's image with this plan. Explore Scriptures that reveal God as our loving Father, Jesus's teachings about the Father, and our identity as His children. Learn to reflect His character in your daily life and embrace the transformation that comes from knowing and living out the reality of being made in our Father’s image.
