My Cup Overflows: Experiencing God's Comfort in Motherhood's Valleys نموونە

My Cup Overflows: Experiencing God's Comfort in Motherhood's Valleys

DAY 5 OF 8

“You prepare a table before me” - Psalm 23:5

Postpartum with my first was significantly harder for me than with my second. Largely this was because I lacked any sense of perspective the first time through. I couldn’t imagine that the sleepless nights were eventually going to end. I didn’t know that so shortly down the road, my baby would be able to say “mama” and kiss me with one of those adorable open-mouth, slobbery kisses. It seems that when we can see a light at the end of a tunnel, it makes hardships easier to bear.

This coming light is what Psalm 23:5 would have us see now. “You prepare a table before me …” The picture conveyed here by the Psalmist David is one of a lavish celebration. The Psalmist is communicating a reality of provision and joy!

We can have faith that we will one day make it through the valley of the shadow of death and rejoice because of Jesus. On the cross, Jesus entered into the deepest valley of the shadow of death. Resurrecting from the dead, Jesus defeated death, and then he ascended to heaven where he now reigns in victory. Those who trust in Christ share in his victory, and therefore we can be certain that one day, we will be free from all pain and suffering to share in an eternal reign and celebration with Jesus forever.

Life can be hard, and motherhood especially can be full of challenges that threaten to undo us. Seasons of illness; too much on our plates; the physical and emotional sacrifices asked of us … But remember this, a victory celebration is coming, and its eternal nature will far outweigh anything we experience in this life! As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:17, “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.”

God is faithful to care for us on the journey home, and he often gives us experiences of this joy and victory even now! When you find joy after months of depression; feel known and loved after a season of loneliness; enjoy your work after struggling to discern where God might have you in this season … celebrate these victories as foreshadows of the fullness of the victory to come!

Today, in whatever valley you might be walking through, fix your eyes on the light at the end. A glorious celebration is coming, prepared by your Good Shepherd, who gave his life as a guarantee of what’s to come.


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