Who Goes to Heavenنموونە

Who Goes to Heaven

DAY 1 OF 8

Today, I want to talk to you about something that can change your perspective on life and eternity: our own righteousness. In our society, it’s common to think that only the "good" go to heaven. But consider this biblical truth: "There is no one righteous, not even one" (Romans 3:10).

This may sound harsh, but it’s crucial to understand our need for Jesus. The Bible clearly states that none of us are righteous by our own efforts. Our morals and standards of goodness may change with time and cultures, but God’s justice is constant and perfect. Compared to that perfection, we all fall short.

Imagine for a moment that you depended solely on your efforts to enter heaven. How many times have you failed to do the right thing? How many times have you thought you are not as bad as others? The reality is that, according to the Bible, we cannot be good enough by ourselves. This is where the incredible grace of Jesus comes in.

Jesus came to earth to live the perfect life we couldn’t live and to die the death we deserved for our sins. He took our place so that, by trusting in Him, we can have the righteousness that we could not achieve by ourselves. Our entrance to heaven doesn’t depend on our goodness, but on our faith in Jesus and what He did for us.
This week, I challenge you to deeply reflect on these questions. Recognizing that our goodness is not enough can be liberating. It leads us to depend more on Jesus and His sacrifice instead of our own efforts.

Take time each day to identify areas in your life where you’ve been relying on your own goodness. Ask God to show you these areas and help you shift that trust to the grace and righteousness of Jesus. Pray for God to strengthen your faith and remind you that your worth and future are secured not by what you have done, but by what Jesus has done for you.


Lord Jesus, thank you for your incredible sacrifice. Thank you that through you, I have the righteousness I could not attain on my own. Help me to trust more in you and less in my own efforts. Reveal the areas in my life where I rely on my own goodness and teach me to fully depend on your grace and righteousness. Amen.


Remember, entering heaven is not determined by what you are, but by whom you trust. Let this truth transform your life and your relationship with God. Trust in Jesus and live each day in the freedom and security of His grace.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. How does your perspective on goodness and justice change knowing that no one is truly righteous according to the Bible?
  2. What motivates you more: trying to be "good" by your own efforts or relying on the justice and grace of Jesus?


ڕۆژی 2

About this Plan

Who Goes to Heaven

Discover in this devotional by Pastor Pablo Mora who is chosen to enter heaven. Explore faith, salvation, and life in Christ. Reflect on how our actions reflect our faith and commitment to God. This deep reflection will inspire you to strengthen your relationship with God and walk towards eternal life. Don't miss it, your soul will thank you!
