What About Me?!نموونە

What About Me?!

DAY 10 OF 10

Good Things Are Happening!

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory,are being transformed into his imagewith ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the last day of this study—and by this time I’m sure you’ve experienced some meaningful growth. So, let’s begin today’s study celebrating the beautiful things He has done in our lives and the good things yet to come.

As we wrap up this study, I want to leave you with this thought: God is changing you, and the beautiful process you are going through will be worth every effort you make.

I want to share an example with you—one of the amazing living lessons God gives us through nature. When it comes to our personal growth, I believe we can receive so much encouragement from the transformation of the caterpillar to a butterfly. (Stick with me on this…it will be worth it!)

We all know that caterpillars become butterflies in the secrecy of their cocoon or underground, through a process called metamorphosis. Likewise, you and I undergo a process of transformation as we learn to depend fully on God. I believe what He does in us is between Him and us and should be kept private for the most part. At times, we may not understand the process; we simply know that we are changing.

While the caterpillar is in its cocoon, it turns to liquid. And while we are changing, we are no longer what we once were, but we are not yet what we will be. We may feel disoriented and confused. If you ever feel that way, don’t give up because clarity will come. Your job is to trust God completely, knowing that He loves you and is working out His perfect plan for your future!

During metamorphosis the caterpillar sheds its skin several times. We also must shed many things during our transformation process, things like wrong thinking, bad attitudes, unforgiveness, disobedience, stubbornness, rebellion, jealousy, and pride among other things. Really, the list is endless.

But when the transformed caterpillar emerges from its cocoon, what once was a lowly worm is now a beautiful butterfly that can spread its wings and take flight! That is what God wants for each of us—to live a life that is amazing, one you are excited to greet each day when you wake up.

As we mature as followers of Christ, we are on our way to becoming like Him in every way. We begin to do what is godly, make godly choices, speak in godly ways, have godly attitudes, treat people well, and use our money and other resources wisely.

Change is a sign that we are growing, a sign that we are alive. It is a fact of life. It can be initially frightening, but eventually refreshing. Never give up because God will change you, little by little, if you refuse to quit. One decision, one day, one week at a time, God is changing who we are and helping us to enjoy a deeper fulfillment than we ever thought possible.

Adapted from the book What About Me? by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2024 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Let’s Pray: “God, thank You for believing in me and guiding me through Your amazing process of transformation. I know it will take a lifetime, but the results will be well worth it. I am glad to be on this journey with You and look forward to spending more and more time in Your presence. With Your help, I can become fully transformed. Amen.”

Family Activity: Create beautiful butterflies! Use glue and crepe paper or easy-release tape and magic markers to create big, beautiful butterfly cutouts to display on a wall or in a window. This craft is a great reminder that even when life gets messy, God has a plan, and He is always working everything out for our good!

If you enjoyed this study, “What About Me?!", we have good news—there’s even more! Check out the entire 10-day study by Joyce…and continue this 10-day Study, that helps refocus and discover more joy and satisfaction than you thought possible!

ڕۆژی 9

About this Plan

What About Me?!

Let’s be honest…we all ask, “What about me?” But could you be sabotaging your own progress by focusing on the wrong things? Joyce Meyer’s free, 10-day study—filled with fun lessons and activities for the entire family—is just what you need to refocus and find more satisfaction than you thought possible. Discover the joy of an unselfish life!
