Play-by-Play: John (2/3)نموونە

Play-by-Play: John (2/3)

DAY 2 OF 7

The Way of Seeing

Theme verses: “Jesus heard that they had cast him (blind man) out, and having found him he said, ‘Do you believe in the Son of Man?’ He answered, ‘And who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?’ Jesus said to him, ‘You have seen him, and it is he who is speaking to you.’” John 9:35-38

Marla Runyan was the first legally blind athlete to compete in the Olympic Games. Diagnosed with progressive vision loss as a child, Runyan competed in the 2000 and 2004 Olympics and became a three-time national champion in distance running.

When Runyan was only 10 years old, she was diagnosed with Stargardt disease and failing vision. She later said, “I remember how the expectations around me just fell. Like anything I did was okay. I felt it from my parents and my teachers. That angered me. And I took that and turned it around, and I became this very competitive, ‘I’m going to show you what I can do.’ No one would have ever imagined that I was going to make an Olympic team!”

While it’s an amazing feat for any blind person to make the Olympic team, it doesn’t compare to Jesus’ next miracle in John 9. Here we see the implications of His identity as the Light of the world when he meets a blind man. Everything changed for the man who was made to see. However, the greatest miracle was not opening his eyes but the opening of his heart to the Savior. It cost him everything to confess Jesus as the Son of God, but he was willing to do it.

The man born blind was intimated by the religious rulers who could not deny the miracle, so they pressured him to change his testimony. They wanted to discredit Jesus, so they needed the blind man to deny the miracle, but he refused to play their game. Instead, he remained fearless and resolved to speak the truth.

A Kingdom Coach and Athlete resolve not to depart from truth regardless of others’ intimidation. They hold tightly to the truth and lean on God’s power to be his or her witness in the sports world.


As you read today’s chapter, journal using the H.E.A.R method:

H (Highlight) - What stands out to you? If something stands out to you, it’s likely God pulling you toward a certain portion of scripture.

E (Explain) - Describe in context the text. Ask questions like: Why was this written? To whom was it originally written? How does this fit with the verses before and after? Why did the Holy Spirit include this passage in the book?

A (Apply) - How do you take this verse beyond the page? Ask questions like: How can this help me? What does this mean today? What would the application of this verse look like in my life? What is God saying to me?

R (Respond) - This is where you will write a measurable response to the truth God revealed. Maybe it will be a call to action, something you will change in the coming week. Maybe it will be a prayer asking God to help you work this truth into your life. Whichever, make sure it is measurable so you can hold yourself accountable in your growth as a disciple.


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About this Plan

Play-by-Play: John (2/3)

This Play-By-Play is a three part plan that works through the book of John in the perspective of athletics. Read the book in it's entirety, focus on key portions of scripture, or both! Using the H.E.A.R method of reading/journaling, let God point out words and phrases of importance.
