Hebrews نموونە


DAY 7 OF 17

Stay Close to Jesus in Everything

Before you start todays devotional, ask the Lord to use it to grow you up in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

There are times in our spiritual lives when we must grow up and face life with courage and maturity—to leave the basics and move toward a more resilient, effective faith. That was the call to the Hebrew Christians. Jesus calls us to move on toward spiritual maturity.

The spiritual condition warned against in this passage is subtle and difficult to understand. It warns us to beware of falling away from the faith, “For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame” (vv. 4-6).

Before you start doubting your salvation, remember God’s Word makes clear the certainty and assurance of your eternal security once you genuinely receive it by faith in Jesus. The following represent some of the more standard and encouraging Scriptures to support that certainty:

  • Once you are in Christ you can never be condemned (Romans 8:1).
  • Once God has done His ordained work of salvation in you, no one has the power or authority to reverse it (Romans 8:33).
  • Because the finished work of Jesus is settled in heaven and established in the eternal revelation of God, nothing can separate the believer from His grace (Romans 8:34-39).
  • The certainty of your salvation is established in the spoken word of Jesus Himself (John 7:27-29).

Since you cannot lose your salvation, the warning is about falling so far away that you are unable to bring yourself back to an attitude of humble repentance.

Jesus wants to reward you for your faithfulness in following His will. Your life can be like a fruitful field that benefits from fresh rain and the warm sun of spring. But to walk away from the Lord brings you out from under His protective care and provision. Like a field without rain, the crops burn up in the heat of the day.

Christ is your refuge. He is your constant and reliable friend. And He lives in heaven to serve as your perfect and eternal High Priest. Though you deserved death because of your sin, Jesus took that punishment for you on the cross and satisfied God’s anger. He made a way for you to be saved and come to know God.

How would you like a fresh beginning? Not a makeover, but a brand-new heart, a new spirit, and a mindset? Jesus can do that for you. If you turn to Him in faith, He will make all things new (2 Corinthians 5:17). That is the promise of God.

With Jesus as the anchor for your soul, you have an even stronger encouragement than Abraham had. Jesus, your High Priest, has entered in advance into the presence of God for you. Speak His name. He is listening.

1. Why do you think returning to Judaism would have been tempting for the Jewish Christians who were the original audience of Hebrews?

2. What do you think are some signs of spiritual maturity in the life of a Christian?

3. This particular warning in Hebrews is very strong. What should that tell us about God’s expectations of us regarding a level of commitment and seriousness about our faith?

Additional Resources:

Trusted Bible teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee's, complete audio teachings of Hebrews 6:1-9, Hebrews 6:7-20, Hebrews 6:17-7:2.

For a deeper study of Hebrews, try the Hebrews Bible Companion.


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About this Plan


Sometimes, “running the race” of faith leaves us tired, out of breath, and discouraged. The book of Hebrews is an infusion of faith for the weary. Its message calls us back to the truth and gives us the strength to keep going. In these 17 lessons, Dr. J. Vernon McGee reminds us Jesus is better than any other road.
