Biblical Wisdom for Money in Marriageنموونە

Biblical Wisdom for Money in Marriage

DAY 5 OF 5

What do you celebrate when it comes to stewardship?

This has been a pretty tough reading plan. I hope you have been challenged. I pray it will help point you in a positive direction with your finances and keep you from being another couple whose marriage was ruined by money. Dealing with money God’s way is countercultural. It’s just like a lot of things God says are best for us. We have a choice: God’s way or the world’s way. One is a temporary view of money and the other is eternal. Which will you choose?

When we choose God’s plan for our money, there is a lot to celebrate.

The joy of choosing God’s way comes in many forms. I’ve had couples share with me how fun it was to pay off a car or student loan. Others have shared the peace and freedom they experienced when they trusted God enough to begin tithing. Then there is excitement in finally becoming debt free. Yet, to me, the best of all these comes when, through our faithfulness as managers of God’s money, we have extra we can use to help someone in need. I think that’s part of what Proverbs 11:25 means when it says, “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” That is truly cause for celebration. It’s like it all finally makes sense. This is God’s plan. This is merging money and God. It is becoming one together with money. It is a “key to lasting love.”

If you continue taking intentional steps toward a healthy money mindset, I believe you will see the fruits of your labor. As Proverbs 13:11 says, “Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.” Little by little, steps to steward what God has entrusted to you well will lead you out of debt and toward more financial freedom and security.

Where have you seen God bless your efforts to do money His way? Where have you grown in unity with your spouse through the process? Can you imagine hearing God’s voice, saying: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much”? He cares about how you use the resources He has entrusted to you, so use them well.

Today, talk with your spouse about how you’ve seen God grow you through this plan. What do you have to celebrate right now? What is a financial goal you’d love to accomplish in the future?

Today’s Challenge:

As you look back on this reading plan, what has changed about you, your marriage and money? Are you taking steps toward oneness? Are you being faithful to pursue God’s purposes for you with money? Have you mapped out a plan together?

Going Deeper:

Begin thinking about ways to help others when you have extra. Then pray for God to lead you into these opportunities!

Your Next Step

If you are ready to keep growing in the area of money, this biblical Online Couple’s Budgeting Class is your next step: The 4 Budgeting Mistakes Most Couples Make and How to Fix them to Achieve Their Money Goals Faster .

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About this Plan

Biblical Wisdom for Money in Marriage

Money can put so much stress on a marriage. It’s often one of the issues that cause the most conflict and tension for couples. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Spouses can work together to steward their money for God’s glory and the good of their marriage. This plan by Dr. Kim Kimberling shows how God’s plan for money is the best plan for your marriage.
