The Most Important Journeyنموونە

The Most Important Journey

DAY 3 OF 22

Day 3

by Marney McNall

Seacoast Editorial Manager

He Never Forgets

And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For nothing will be impossible with God. ~ Luke 1:36-37 (ESV)

When the angel, Gabriel, tells Mary she will bear the Messiah, he also makes a point to tell her that her much older cousin, Elizabeth, is six months pregnant. I’m sure God had many reasons for making sure Mary knew this. For certain, it shows that hers is not the only miracle going on—that God is setting things in motion. Maybe it also helps Mary feel not so alone as she embarks on this incredible, and probably bewildering, journey.

The Bible says that Mary “went with haste” to see Elizabeth. There is nothing to suggest that Mary doubted the angel’s words, but wouldn’t it be very human to wonder, Did I dream it all? Yet, finding Elizabeth pregnant, when she had never been able to have children—something I can identify with—probably served as further confirmation to Mary that Gabriel’s prophecy was real. This was happening.

Elizabeth’s baby (John the Baptist) leaps in her womb upon hearing Mary’s greeting upon arriving. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth exclaims, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me?”

These two cousins are at such different times and situations in their lives regarding children. One is too old and the other is very young and a virgin. Yet, God is working a miracle in both of them.

Elizabeth’s beautiful greeting would likely have strengthened Mary, whereas it could’ve just as easily been negative. Mary was young, pregnant, and unmarried. Yet, Elizabeth recognizes the child as the coming Messiah. I imagine that with Elizabeth experiencing a miracle herself, her heart was expectant and open to seeing things differently. She also could have reacted with envy for Mary being chosen as the mother of the Messiah, rather than his messenger, as John would be, but she doesn’t. She is humble and joyful, and the two women find the support they need in each other.

Over the next three months, Mary was probably helpful to Elizabeth, who was near the end of her pregnancy and likely experiencing discomfort, with her advanced age. In turn, Elizabeth was probably a great resource for Mary in the early part of her pregnancy.

Even as God set his master plan to save the world in motion, he didn’t forget the individual needs of those he loved. We are not just his instruments. We are his children, and he cares for us in every circumstance and at every level. Nothing we need is too small for his notice.

Reflect: Who has God placed in your life as great support? How have you supported them in turn?


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About this Plan

The Most Important Journey

Christmas is a story of coming and going. Everyone is heading somewhere. We are drawn to Bethlehem, to see a baby who came to save the world. But, as we rejoice at our Savior’s birth, we can’t help but go out into the world, changed, telling others of the good news. This Advent study was crafted to remind us of God’s most precious gift: Jesus
