A Glimpse of Infinity (Northern Lights Edition) - 7 Days of Photography & Prayersنموونە

A Glimpse of Infinity (Northern Lights Edition) - 7 Days of Photography & Prayers

DAY 4 OF 7

Symphony of Light


Lord God, You said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. You saw that the light was good and separated it from the darkness (Genesis 1:3). Praise be to You!

We know that Your words are powerful. Please help us live in the light, as You are in the light (1 John 1:7a). Enable us through the Spirit to faithfully read Your Word each and every day so that we might gain insight, knowledge, and wisdom. Lead us down roads that enable us to be a symphony of light to others, for Your praise and glory alone.


Do I make time each day for reading and studying God's Word, and if not, what changes can I make to prioritize daily Bible reading?


  • Location: Gaspé, Quebec, Canada
  • Ray’s Camera Settings: 24mm, ISO 1600, 5s, f/2.8
ڕۆژی 3ڕۆژی 5

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