Beyond Our Control - 5-Day Devotionalنموونە

Beyond Our Control - 5-Day Devotional

DAY 2 OF 5

Jesus provided clear thoughts on fear and anxiety in the middle of the best-known message he ever delivered during his earthly ministry, the Sermon on the Mount: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” (Matthew 6:25). This advice is nothing new; for example, even the Buddha encouraged people not to be anxious and to free themselves from the cares of this world so that they might achieve nirvana. But what makes Jesus’ claim here particularly interesting is how he grounded this exhortation in truth.

Jesus gave two analogies to consider, both offered ironically, I think. First, he said to consider the birds of the air and how they always, always have food to eat, despite their never harvesting or producing a crop. Birds don’t have fields or barns, Jesus was insinuating, so how do they get their food? That’s right: God provides it. God will provide for us too.

Second, Jesus said to consider the flowers of the field, whose petals are likened to clothes. A flower with no petals would look like a disgraced weed, but how are flowers supposed to find clothes? That’s right: God provides them. God will provide for us too.

What does all this mean? It’s this: The weapon to fight worry isn’t just in thinking, Because things work out for birds and flowers, I should be fine, right? Rather, the reason we should not worry is because God is sovereign over everything that happens to us. And not only is God in control, but he cares for you and me. Remember that Jesus closed this little monologue by asking, “Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26).

So, what can relieve our anxiety? The power of God and the scope of his sovereignty matched with the love of God and the depth of his devotion. God’s power combined with God’s love—that’s what puts us at ease.

No matter how dark things seem, no matter how long the suffering runs, you are not alone in your peril, because God is near. You don’t need to fear. You don’t need to be anxious. He’s near. He sees. And he cares.


Lord, thank you for reminding me that you care for me and are in control of everything. I trust you and your plan. Amen.

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About this Plan

Beyond Our Control - 5-Day Devotional

Realizing how little control we have over our lives can make us fearful and anxious--or it can lead to greater intimacy with God, a richer prayer life, and a joyful eternal perspective. Learn how surrendering your expectations leads to a greater experience of God's love in this 5-day devotion from Lauren and Michael McAfee.
