Relating With Wealth Biblically نموونە

Relating With Wealth Biblically

DAY 8 OF 30


John 16:7

7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

The word “expedient” is rendered in The Complete Jewish Bible as “It is to your advantage.” The word “expedient” refers to something that is to your advantage. Thus, we can read our text as, “It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you.” This means that when the Holy Ghost comes, He is your advantage (including your financial and wealth advantage) as a child of God. The Holy Ghost guides you in the direction that your blessings will flow.

If as a Christian, you do not understand the Holy Spirit as the highest form of wealth, you will cut yourself away from the foundational spiritual advantage of a Christian and resign to join the rat race like every other human being. The focus of God is to produce Christians that can boldly say, “God made me what I am today,” and mean it sincerely from their hearts. Most wealthy people were made by the devil, or they made their wealth the devil’s way. Some of these already-made people eventually become born again and try to Christianise their wealth, but their wealth is not Christian wealth.

You need to understand the difference between making it financially by evil means, succeeding by your effort, or making your wealth by following God’s way of moving His people into His programme and making provision for them. To get wealth in God’s way, you must give priority to what is important, and you start by acknowledging that the foundation and the advantage of the believer is the Holy Spirit and everything that He brings.

PRAYER: Lord, I open my life to divine instructions and directions from the Holy Spirit over my finances in Jesus’ name. Amen!


ڕۆژی 7ڕۆژی 9

About this Plan

Relating With Wealth Biblically

Wealth is not a man’s idea; it is from God. God wants His children to operate in wealth and He gives them power to get it, however, the subject of wealth is highly controversial, not because God has not spoken about it but because of the devil’s opposition to the prosperity of God’s people. In this 30-day devotional, you will learn how to get wealth biblically.
