You Are More Than You’ve Been Told: Unlock a Fresh Way to Live Through the Rhythms of Jesusنموونە

You Are More Than You’ve Been Told: Unlock a Fresh Way to Live Through the Rhythms of Jesus

DAY 4 OF 7

DAY 4: How Jesus Did It

Jesus accomplished what we hope to. He shut down the lies of the Enemy and lived out His God-given purpose here on earth.

Let’s unpack how He did it. Jesus gave us a behind-the-scenes look at His rhythms and His life’s structure, to show us how we can defeat the lies of the Enemy as well.

In Matthew 4, we find Jesus alone with God, praying and fasting from food in the desert for forty days and forty nights. The devil approached Jesus. He saw an opportunity to try to take down the Savior of the world. So, what did the Enemy do? What was his evil and powerful plan?

He didn’t come with an arsenal of rusty weapons, an army of demonic soldiers. The devil decided his best plan was to try to make Jesus doubt who He was. He wanted Jesus to second-guess if He really was the Son of God. He hoped Jesus would answer to a lesser name, then live a lesser life, and then never live out the purpose God had for Him. The Enemy uses this same tactic with us. He knows how valuable your life is, and how important your choices are, so he will use his best weapons—lies and doubt—to try to take you down as well. He cannot risk you knowing who you are and living the life you were created to live.

When Satan came at Jesus three times with lies, manipulation, coercion, and temptation, Jesus came back at him with Deuteronomy 8:3; 6:16; and 6:13. (Read more in Matthew 4) Then, the devil left Jesus.

Jesus fought what was spoken with what is written. When the Enemy comes at us with lies about who we are, we need something more stable than what we are feeling. We need to know what God has written.

When I was in that painful season, and forgetting who I was, I had to fight for real time with God–to be alone with Him, to engage with His Word, and make His voice the loudest voice in my life. Then, I started memorizing the names that God gives me.

I don’t know what ways the Enemy has tried to lie to you. You may have been told that you’re not enough, that you’re unworthy, unwanted, or unloved. But you are more than you’ve been told. God has some other names for you. It is written:

John 15:15 – Friend of God. You are not alone. Jesus is with you. He has your back. He’s in your corner.

1 Thessalonians 1:4 – Chosen. You are not here by accident. You are made for this moment, right where you are, the way you are, because the Creator of the universe said it was important for you to be here.

Ephesians 2:10 – God’s Masterpiece. You are the handiwork of the Artist of the heavens and the earth. Your details are important. You are a work of art meticulously made to accomplish the good works of God.

1 Corinthians 6:19 – Temple. No matter who took advantage of you, and no matter what you feel you lost because of your choices, when you give your life to Christ, God’s Word calls your body a temple, the place where the Holy Spirit dwells. Your body is good.

Acts 1:8 – Messenger. God calls us “witnesses” of the love and power of Jesus, and “messengers” of the gospel to those right next to us, and to the whole world. God wants to use your real story to reveal the real love of Jesus.

Galatians 3:26 – Child of God. We don’t have to live in fear of the future, or live trying to prove our worth. When you give your life to Jesus, you can trust, rest, enjoy, and take steps of faith like children who are safe and loved.

Romans 5:8 – Greatly Loved. You are so loved that even while you were running away from God, He was running after you. He sent His Son Jesus to die for you so you could be free, forgiven, and reconnected with God. He wants you to enjoy life with Him now and for eternity.

John 8:36 – Free, Indeed. You may be living in chains you don’t have to live in anymore. Give them to God. Surrender them to God. Live as the free Child of God you really are.

2 Corinthians 5:17 – Brand New. Jesus is a brand-new beginning. With Him, you are a brand new creation with an entirely different life.

As I fought for time with God, I got closer to Him than I ever imagined. And then I started to see myself through His lens.

Out of that season, I wrote a spoken word piece called, “I Have A New Name.” (You can stream it on all platforms, and watch the video below.) In it, I declare these 9 names and truths from the Word of God.

When you know who you are, it changes how you live.

Just as Jesus fought for time with God, and defeated the lies of the enemy, we can too.

In the following days, we will unlock 4 rhythms of Jesus that will show us how.

It’s time to live as who we really are.


Thank You, Jesus, for giving me an example of how to defeat the lies of the Enemy. I don’t want him to have any victory over my life. I want to follow You and the way You lived. Please give me the courage. I want to know what God says about me and live as who I really am. Amen.

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About this Plan

You Are More Than You’ve Been Told: Unlock a Fresh Way to Live Through the Rhythms of Jesus

Reconnect with God and with who you really are. This plan includes seven daily devotions based on Hosanna Wong’s book, You Are More Than You’ve Been Told: Unlock a Fresh Way to Live Through the Rhythms of Jesus. Discover practical, tangible ways to connect with God, heal from deep wounds, and live free from burdens you were never meant to carry.
