Reset Your Life: Wisdom From the Book of Ruthنموونە

Reset Your Life: Wisdom From the Book of Ruth

DAY 4 OF 7

Finding a Home

Yesterday, we saw Ruth experience unexpected kindness from a local landowner named Boaz. Today, we’ll see Naomi’s response.

In this passage, we see why Boaz extends so much care to Ruth—because he is a relative of Naomi. In that day, there was an expectation for men in extended families to take care of female relatives without husbands or sons. That’s because women had few rights and little agency in those days and were often perceived as dependent on men for survival.

That’s why Naomi starts hatching a plan to set up Boaz and Ruth to get married. Later in today’s story, we see her plan in action.

Now, we don’t know exactly what happened between Ruth and Boaz in these verses. But we do know Naomi encourages Ruth to spend a night alone with Boaz.

In moments like these, it can be helpful to remember that Jesus is the only person in the Bible who follows God perfectly. Naomi certainly has the best intentions to find a new home for Ruth, but maybe she could have given better advice.

Taking Prayerful Risks

So, what can we learn from this about resetting our lives?

Well, Naomi asked Ruth to take a big risk, which could have gone badly for both of them. They both knew what was at stake and chose to be bold.

Like them, we often need to be strategic and willing to take risks to change our lives. Naomi knew that, in that time and place, Ruth marrying Boaz was their best chance to positively change their stories. Did she go about it the right way? Depends on who you ask. But she saw an opportunity and took a risk.

Changing our lives often requires taking a risk. If might look like having an uncomfortable conversation, leaving a job, confessing a sin, or asking someone on a date. We can choose to run from risk because we fear the worst outcome—but if we avoid every risk, we’ll end up stuck in the same place we’ve always been.

Instead, we need to prayerfully and intentionally take risks to move forward.

Sure, it probably won’t always go how you want, but prayerful risk-taking is often the only way to reset our lives.

So, what risk do you need to take? Maybe it’s inviting someone to church or setting a boundary in a relationship. Maybe it’s finally being honest about something you’ve been hiding. Sure, it’s scary, but if God has called you to take a step of faith, it’s a risk worth taking.

Pray: Dear God, thank You for preparing opportunities for me to become more like You. Please give me awareness of the risks You want me to take and the boldness to follow through. In all this, I ask for wisdom to honor You with my whole life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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About this Plan

Reset Your Life: Wisdom From the Book of Ruth

Do you ever wish you could have a do-over? Are you looking for an opportunity to start fresh and create a new trajectory for your life? If so, then the Book of Ruth is a story for you. Over the next 7 days, we’ll explore this incredibly honest and inspiring story of two women who overcame incredible tragedy and changed the story of God’s people forever.
