Courageous Change: How to Boldly Pivot When Pain or Plateaus Are Keeping You Stuckنموونە

Courageous Change: How to Boldly Pivot When Pain or Plateaus Are Keeping You Stuck

DAY 5 OF 7

Day 5: Pray-Change Your Mind

Our own mindset can be our best friend or worst enemy when trying to make wise decisions for our lives. While a positive attitude gives us the energy to move forward, negative self-talk and false beliefs can impede our progress. We paused on Day 4 to determine our willingness to work towards our goals. Today, prior to taking action towards pursuing our calling, we will learn how to renew our minds through prayer and meditating on the scriptures.

I once read a quote about failure by Napoleon Hill. It states, “The number one reason people fail in life is because they listen to their friends, family, and neighbors.” While this is true, I would add to the list, “and the little voice inside our head.”

Satan is the accuser of God's children and the father of lies (John 8:44, Rev. 12:9-10). When we believe we can’t do something God has called us to do, we are accepting his lies as truth. Instead, we should seek the Lord’s wisdom concerning his plans for us and how we should proceed.

The Bible is our instruction manual for life; it renews our minds and gives us the ability to make wise decisions. We no longer think as the world thinks because we have the mind of Christ. In other words, we can know and understand the will of God as we seek to gain wisdom through his word.

““Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:16 (NIV)

After pausing to consider our readiness to begin working towards our goals, the next step is to pray before taking action. Prayer puts us in a place where we can watch and wait for God to reveal to us his will concerning our situation. While waiting, ask yourself the following questions.

  • What do I believe about my goals, calling, and purpose?
  • Am I willing to submit to God’s plan, so I can best fulfill his purpose for my life?
  • How do I speak about myself, my abilities, and my challenges?
  • Will I believe God and his truth over what others say about me or I say about myself?
  • Will I take steps to renew my mind today?

As Christ’s disciples, we have no greater purpose in life than to bring him glory. We can trust the Lord to lead and guide us as we follow him on our journey of courageous change.


Lord Jesus. I come to you confessing there are times my mind has been my biggest foe. I often ignore your voice and instead listen to the lies of the enemy that cause me to doubt you. I ask you to teach me to wait patiently for you to speak to me. Give me wisdom to hear your still-small voice as you guide me. Thank you for renewing my mind with your truth. Amen.

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About this Plan

Courageous Change: How to Boldly Pivot When Pain or Plateaus Are Keeping You Stuck

Do you feel stuck in life by your painful circumstances? Do you feel stuck in a rut? Are situations beyond your control keeping you from moving forward in your life and God-given purpose? Are you ready to break free but don't know where to begin? Getting unstuck is never easy, but staying stuck means you risk laying aside your hopes and dreams, possibly forever. Join us as we learn to boldly pivot and step onto the path of courageous change.
