To the Girl Looking for More With Grace Valentineنموونە

To the Girl Looking for More With Grace Valentine

DAY 3 OF 7

More Contentment: To the Girl Who is Waiting

The Bible tells us about a woman named Sarah. She was old— sixty- five!—when angels told her husband that Sarah would give birth to a child and be the mother of many nations. When she heard about it, she laughed in disbelief. The angels’ promise seemed so impossible that Sarah thought another woman would have to give birth to Abraham’s child for him to get the promised heir. So she gave her slave to her husband as a wife. But God told Sarah that was not what He meant. God promised again that the impossible would happen.

And twenty-five years later, Sarah became pregnant. She gave birth to a son, even in her really old age. And instead of laughing in disbelief, she laughed in amazement. God transformed her doubt and disbelief into joy.

So there’s you. No, you’re not ninety expecting a child. But it feels like you have been waiting for way too long for that peace, friendship, relationship, grade, job, acceptance, family healing, or just a nap. Waiting isn’t fun, but God’s blessing is worth it.

And even if you don’t get the blessing you are hoping for, you always have a better blessing: freedom coming from the blood of Christ. We are free now to cry, dance, live, and learn by His side. We are free to be blessed by our Creator and Savior’s love. You don’t have to wait twenty-five years for this blessing. You can walk through today with the contentment, purpose, joy, sense of adventure, and peace that come from journeying with Jesus.

So instead of being sad about your season of waiting, be expectant. (No, I’m not talking about expecting a six-foot man who loves Jesus and his mama to walk into your life.) Be expectant of God to make a way when it feels like no way is possible. Don’t doubt— like Sarah did— that God will bless you. Be expectant of God to speak, even when you feel like He’s been silent. God’s silence isn’t the same as God’s absence. He may just be preparing something great for you and through you.

And if you are laughing in doubt, drop your expectations. Stop focusing on what makes sense. It made no sense for Sarah to get pregnant after menopause, but it happened because it was a blessing from God. Focus on your present blessings, and expect what God will do next.

Dear God, I doubt You a lot and laugh at Your promises. Transform my laughter of doubt to laughter of amazement. Remind me that the real blessing is to witness Your miracles and freedom, not a relationship, grade, family, or anything else from this world. Amen.


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About this Plan

To the Girl Looking for More With Grace Valentine

Ditch the lies and embrace God's truth: you matter, and He has a valuable purpose for your life. In this devotional for girls, Grace Valentine encourages you to stop settling for the world's image of post-worthy perfection and live for more joy, peace, and meaning.
