A Christmas to Remember: A 10-Day Devotionalنموونە

A Christmas to Remember: A 10-Day Devotional

DAY 10 OF 10

God Will Go with You

Matthew 1:20-25

I've often seen Joseph as the unsung hero of the Christmas story. Read Matthew 1:18-19 and just imagine his incredulity when Mary assured him her pregnancy was an act of God and not of her sin! But when God confirmed her story in a dream, Joseph quietly obeyed. As a righteous man, he would have been familiar with the Messianic prophecy of Immanuel, quoted from Isaiah in verse 23. I wonder if he clung to that name for courage as a Divine reminder, "God will go with you."

Great Courage

Make no mistake, Joseph needed courage to wed Mary. The culture they lived in was deeply committed to the Laws of Moses, and the religious leaders had added strict parameters in interpreting that law. Premarital sex was strictly taboo. As her belly swelled before the wedding date, Joseph's reputation likely diminished.

I can only imagine the scornful jokes made about his lack of self-control. Worse, his tarnished image probably affected his business. If the townspeople decided another carpenter had a better moral center, providing for his wife and child would be difficult. Then there's the daunting task of raising a child miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit. How do you parent the Son of God?

Pure Obedience

All this was just the beginning. Joseph's faithfulness continued, as we can see in the rest of Matthew 1 - 2 and in Luke 2. Unusual events abounded: an inconvenient and probably unsanitary birth, a murderous king, a middle-of-the-night flight to Egypt, and more. Through it all, Joseph never wavered in trusting God and responding in prompt obedience.

Joseph's life may have been filled with terrifying challenges, but it was equally full of incredible adventure. Visitation by shepherds who spoke of angelic choirs, extravagant gifts from foreigners, and further angelic messages must have filled him with awe.

Obedience brought challenges, but it brought wonder, too. Joseph lived in trust that where God calls, God also equips and supplies.

God's Promise

That promise is no less real for you and me. God's call is still for prompt and unflinching obedience, even when the tasks seem impossible. Without Him, they are.

No matter how formidable the task or perilous the journey God may call you to, obedience comes with this promise: God will go with you. When He calls, He still equips and supplies.

Make this a Christmas to remember by changing the holiday paradigm. If Christmas is a celebration of Jesus's birth, let's give Him the gifts. Let's give Him our complete surrender and total obedience. Give Him our whole hearts, souls, minds, and strength. After all, that's what He wants, not only for Christmas but for always.

Now What?

Take time to prayerfully assess your walk with the Lord. Are you afraid to take the steps of obedience He is calling you to? Remember that His call always comes with a promise of His presence. Take that step, remembering that God will go with you. Even if hard times come, I can promise obedience to the Almighty God will be worth it in the end!

ڕۆژی 9