14 Days of Prayer and Fastingنموونە

14 Days of Prayer and Fasting

DAY 1 OF 14

Gratitude is Gold

Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances … 1 Thess 5:17 -

How very blessed we are to be part of something so wonderful as to be standing together, praying and believing to see impossible things break into our world. As we ready ourselves for these days of prayer and fasting, let’s take a moment first to be grateful. When Jesus famously fed the five thousand, there was a poignant moment right before the miracle where He, The King of Heaven, looked up and gave thanks.

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them.Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. (Luke 9:16)

As we embark on this prayer and fasting adventure, let's also, first, still our hearts and give thanks. Could we each look around our lives and see the blessings we may have become accustomed to? Is there evidence of His goodness already in your life? Take a moment and be thankful for what God has already done.

The Psalmist knew how easy it was to ‘forget’ and exhorted us also to be grateful.

Pray: Father in heaven, may Your name be honoured in my life. I take this moment to say Thank You for …

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