Combating the Battle of Lustنموونە

Combating the Battle of Lust

DAY 3 OF 5

#3 Seeing her as Christ sees her

"If our minds are ruled by our desires, we will die. But if our minds are ruled by the Spirit, we will have life and peace."

Romans 8:6

Lust will try to convince you that women are objects, something to be consumed, and even that they exist just for your pleasure. Objectification is not Christ's way of thinking and shouldn't be how we think as Christian men who represent Christ. Regardless of what a woman wears or does, she is a precious child of the Most High God, and it is our job to protect her - not use her.

“but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”

James 1:14-15

Lust will lie to you, but when you start seeing all women as children of God, you change the lens through which you view their bodies and personhood. Seeing a woman in this light gives you a permanent and reliable exit from any lie lust may give you.

From this, you begin to view her with compassion and honor rather than consumptive feelings and attitudes of lust. The way you view her is your decision to make. Is every woman a child of God? When you decide yes, you choose to view her as God's heart views her. Any other decision is lust, which is intent on dehumanizing a holy being into parts to justify temptation in your soul. When you see women as a Child of God, you will really know how this affects your walk into a lust-free life.

Application Tip for Believers Fighting Against Lust:
I want you to reflect about seeing women how Christ sees them. Journal how Christ perceives women and how God views and values His daughters. Then, consider how God may feel about someone lusting after or sexualizing His precious daughter.

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About this Plan

Combating the Battle of Lust

Living a lust-free lifestyle, is not only a calling to set you free, but to help free other men in the church! It is possible to walk in freedom from lust. In this study, you will be given practical tips to help combat the battle of lust that is waging war on men in the Christian community.
