[Ruth] Recognizing the Covenant Relationshipنموونە

[Ruth] Recognizing the Covenant Relationship

DAY 1 OF 3

Above and Beyond

Some days, we feel like everything is stuck and nothing is happening anymore. We end up angry and cranky over our situation. However, once we decide to take a step the Lord tells us to take, His grace and favor start flowing towards us again. Has this ever happened to you?

Once in Bethlehem, Ruth asked Naomi for permission to glean in the fields. By following what the Lord had already promised to widows, orphans, and poor people, Ruth was placing herself under the covenant of the Lord, bringing grace and blessing upon Naomi and herself. Even if she ended up as the lowest of the lowest, she was still committed to doing things right.

While gleaning, Ruth walked onto a field owned by Boaz, “a man of swift strength,” incredible wealth and stature, who happens to be a relative of Naomi’s husband and, therefore, family.

Ruth just happened to walk onto that field, seemingly by coincidence, but actually brought by God to be at the right place, at the right time. It became a sign that God and His grace were at work upon the outcast, Ruth, that decided to glean in the field, take part in the covenant provision of God, and provide for Naomi.

The Bible describes that the wealth Boaz had was not merely financial. In Hebrew, the word is hayil, which means Boaz was a mighty man of valor, character, virtue, godliness, and faithfulness. Like Ruth, he was faithful to the covenant, which caused his blessing.

Boaz arrived at the field and greeted the reapers, including the lowest of the lowest, with “The Lord be with you.” They replied, “The Lord bless you.” Then they told him about Ruth the Moabite, the outcast gleaning tirelessly in his field. So, he called her and told her to keep gleaning in his field alongside the rest of the women. He commanded the men not to touch her and let her drink from whatever water they had drawn. Ruth had found favor in his eyes, and he was ensuring her health and safety. This was another sign of the Lord’s grace!

Finally, we need to point out Ruth’s response. She could have responded with entitlement or even rejected that grace, but instead, she chose to remain humble and replied:

“Why have I found favor in your eyes?”

Boaz, the covenant blessor, is a picture of the Father providing favor, comfort, and kindness to the covenant blessee, Ruth and Naomi. These women’s reactions showed their humility and gratefulness in response to the covenant blessings they have been bestowed through Boaz.

How has the Lord been showing His grace in your life lately? When grace is poured out on you, how do you respond? Do you respond humbly?

ڕۆژی 2

About this Plan

[Ruth] Recognizing the Covenant Relationship

In the first plan of this series, Naomi and Ruth returned to Bethlehem from Moab and to the covenant promises. However, she has yet to return to a relationship with God. Let’s look into recognizing that relationship, and what God does so we can return to Him and see Him in all His fullness. He wants us to recognize His faithfulness, godliness, grace, and favor in everyone involved.
