Generosity: Offering Hope in Dark Timesنموونە

Generosity: Offering Hope in Dark Times

DAY 6 OF 7

Giving when you are rich or poor…

As a pastor, I have performed many weddings! In some of these weddings, couples do write their own vows, but in most cases, it’s the usual, “in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, till death do us part…” As the bride and groom recite these vows, looking longingly into each other’s eyes, sometimes I wonder if they know what they are getting themselves into!

These phrases are spoken and heard at a wedding, but they can apply to every day, in many different circumstances, to every commitment…not just marriage! I’d encourage you to think about some of the situations in your life:

Will you remain committed to giving your time faithfully and diligently?

Will you hold fast to your commitment to God when your health is a challenge?

What about when your last dollar is needed by someone else?

In Luke and Mark, we meet a widow. She comes to the temple, not knowing Jesus and His disciples are sitting and watching as people line up to deposit their coins into the treasury boxes. As the wealthy put in large amounts of money, the widow quietly walks over, gently placing her two copper coins into the box.

“Then a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins.” (Mark 12:42, NLT)

Little did she know…Jesus was going to use her as an example for centuries to come!

“Jesus called His disciples to Him and said, ‘I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.’” (Mark 12:43-44, NLT)

What was Jesus trying to teach? There are rich truths we can learn from this widow.

God commends a faithful giver. This was a woman who was in need of charity herself, and yet she trusted that her small offering could be a blessing to another. She also knew that in God’s hands, her small gift had impossible possibilities…God can use the smallest coin for a great impact!

And thirdly, we learn that God’s standard for giving is different than man’s. In the eyes of man, she gave two coins that amount to very little, but in the eyes of Jesus, she had given more than all the others.

Can you give out of your need, trusting that what you’ll gain will be an abundance? That abundance may not be health or wealth but perhaps a quiet affirmation of “well done” from God as you trust in His provision.

Giving whether rich or poor—it’s not the size of the gift that matters but the size of the sacrifice!

You’re a miracle!

Grant Fishbook

ڕۆژی 5ڕۆژی 7

About this Plan

Generosity: Offering Hope in Dark Times

Giving and finances are topics that we sometimes avoid but areas where we grow in our faith and understanding when we apply Biblical giving principles. Spend the week with Grant Fishbook exploring the topic of generosity and faith.
