

DAY 6 OF 6

Transition: A Fresh Surrender

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send?And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I.Send me!’” (Isaiah 6:8 NIV)

King Uzziah has died, and Isaiah is facing a huge transition in his life and the nation's life. He has a spiritual experience with God, goes through a time of breaking in his presence, and is then assured that his sin is atoned for. Then, out of nowhere, God says, "Whom shall I send? And who will for us?" This shows us that whatever God will do on earth, he will do through his people invariably.

Just think of it: God has all power, yet he asks, "Whom can I send?" He wants a message to go out. You may say, "Then write it in the sky, Lord!" And he might answer, "I don't do it that way. I've got to find someone who will speak in my name. I've got to find someone who will love in my name. I've got to find someone who will pray mighty prayers. I've got to find someone who will represent me in the world."

Judging from church history, we can see that many people want the blessing of God, but few get to the place of faith that says, "Lord, send me, no matter where it leads!" What faith Isaiah had! The man was humbled and couldn't bear to look at himself, and yet he said, "Here I am; send me."

Today, we need more of the Holy Spirit. We need revival. We need better preaching from the pulpit. We need more boldness. We need Christians to share the gospel more compellingly so that the hearers will turn to the Lord and put their trust in Christ. When you and I are sent on errands by God, we may feel unworthy and unqualified, but the Lord is just looking for people who will surrender themselves to him, as Isaiah did.

God knows our weaknesses, how we've lived, and our educational and skill levels. That's not what matters. Let's rededicate our lives to Christ and say, "Come, Holy Spirit! I surrender to you. Use me for the glory of Christ." Though we will never lose our sense of unworthiness and inability, we will experience that God's power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:9)!


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About this Plan


Are you going through something life-changing? Are you stressed about what these changes may bring? In this 6-part devotional series, Pastor Jim Cymbala addresses the stress, fears, and concerns that can arise with the changes we go through in our lives, especially in these uncertain times.
