Advent: Born to Dwell With Bible Study Fellowshipنموونە

Advent: Born to Dwell With Bible Study Fellowship

DAY 11 OF 20

Seek or Turn Away

Why do some people seek God while others reject Him? Every human is made in God’s image. This reality is evidence of His love. Although sin has marred our desire for our Maker, each person’s highest purpose and ultimate fulfillment is found in fellowship with God.

So, why are some people sensitive to God’s revelation while others are not? (1) God makes Himself known in various ways to everyone. He also graciously, lovingly draws people to Himself. In response, some people seek God while others turn away. Since God has come near, we are all responsible for how we choose to respond.

Near and Far

Christ’s Incarnation delivers proof of God’s promise that those who seek Him will find Him. (2) For example, the Gospels tell about two different groups of men who seek out Jesus and find Him at His first coming. Luke 2 describes how shepherds come from nearby fields to the infant King’s birthplace. Matthew 2 records how men from a distant country follow the light of a star to find and worship the Christ child.

Matthew 2 also reveals the stark difference between people’s responses to God: reverence and rejection. The wise men seek to honor Jesus, but they encounter others who wish He were dead. Matthew contrasts the nature of heaven’s King against an evil, earthly King:

Heaven’s King – The Christ, the Son of God, came to earth in humble circumstances. Though He was the Light of the World, few would recognize Him.

Earthly King – King Herod, seized by insecurity and filled with murderous fury, tried to extinguish the true King’s Light. He failed because no opposition threatens or defeats God’s purposes and plans. He, too, was responsible for his choices.

From Heaven to Earth

What pursuit most captivates you? The wisest and most fulfilling quest is to increasingly know, love, and reverently worship the one true God who created you in His image. The good news announced in the Bible’s Christmas story is that Jesus Christ, heaven’s King, came to earth to make way for you to do this—to relate with God intimately.

God the Father sent His Son, the King of the world. As we learn in observing Christ’s Advent, His coming draws together people who seek to worship and dwell with God. At the same time, the truth about Jesus the Messiah divides people—some follow Him while others reject Him. Like the shepherds in Luke 2 and the Magi of Matthew 2, will you run toward the light God shines on you?


  1. What events in Luke’s report of Jesus Christ’s birth validate the Magi’s quest to find and worship the King of the Jews in Matthew 2:2?
  2. As you read about the marvel and mystery of Christ’s Incarnation, what questions fill your mind?

Related verses:

  1. God in creation: Rom 1:19-20
  2. Seeking God: Prov 8:17; Jer 29:13; Jas 4:8
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About this Plan

Advent: Born to Dwell With Bible Study Fellowship

What does Christmas mean to you? Spend 20 days recounting the Bible's Christmas story from Old Testament passages and the Gospels. Slow down, worship Jesus, and cherish Him by faith. Receive and rejoice in God's greatest gift. Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh to dwell among us. All who believe may be re-born to dwell with God now and forever.
