

DAY 7 OF 9


When you hear the word faithful, what does it make you think of? Does it remind you of a loved one, maybe a parent or a best friend you trust? Or maybe you’ve heard the phrase “faithful as the sun.” We know the sun will always rise and it will always set. It will be there every day when we wake up.

But what happens when those friends fail you? What happens when your parents don’t love you the way you need to be loved? Even the sun will someday burn away.

The truth of the matter is that here in this life, faithful will always come up short when it’s attached to humanity. But a move of true faithfulness was set in motion over 2,000 years ago, when the Savior of the world arrived as a baby. He came down and reached into our suffering to save us from our sin—to bring us hope when we were hopeless. He lived for 33 years and then died on the cross. But even then it wasn’t over. 

He rose from the dead, and when He later ascended into heaven, He left His Spirit here to encourage and empower us. We have never been without the presence of our heavenly Father, even though sometimes it’s hard to see it and feel it, especially when we or the people around us fail to live up to the Word. 

But what we know is that our God loved us so much that He came down to be with us, and He’s never left us since. He’s always present in our time of need. In fact, He calls to the brokenhearted, waiting to display His glorious love. That is our God. He is the definition of the word faithful.


Think about the depth of God’s faithful love for you today, and worship Him for it.

—Rob Estevez 

Worship with this live performance of Faithful with Worship Pastors Rob & Cassidy Estevez:

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About this Plan


The Christmas season highlights the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. How can we worship deeply in this season? Through this 9-day devotional, we want to provide the story and spiritual meaning behind several Christmas songs you know and love, and maybe some new ones as well! This Plan features several worship pastors from Life.Church Worship who are a part of the live Christmas album, Gloria.
