Together In The Journeyنموونە

Together In The Journey

DAY 14 OF 14

But God

“Becca had started following our adoption blog after meeting me and chatting over lunch; she, too, has compassion for orphans and delighted in working in missions. She read my blog post where I had been in “panic-rant” mode about not having insurance or finances to cover our daughter’s surgery. She was the very one who reached out to me to connect me with the doctor in Knoxville. She wanted permission to talk to the doctor about the child. Of course! I was thrilled to have help from anyone.” (Chapter 8)

Throughout the Bible, we read about insurmountable circumstances faced by many, only to then be followed by these two seemingly small words, "But God" (Noah in Genesis 8:1, David in Psalm 73:26, Jesus's words in Matthew 19:26). Scott and I repeatedly saw them within our journey with Lyla. I learned these two small words were not small at all. In fact, they are at the heart of the gospel and can be your strong tower through your own adoption process.

After Lyla’s referral, our insurance informed us they would not cover the costs of her medical expenses. I was distressed: afraid we would lose her and not be able to continue with our adoption process. But God (notice those two small words) had another plan. He worked in unique ways.

He brought a brand new friend, whom I’d had lunch with only one time, turning the entire situation around. She connected us to a pediatric heart surgeon, who later located an Indian hospital for her surgery and was the one to cover the expense! 

He was teaching me to trust Him, yet I was still a work in progress. Another really frightening time came when we were almost at the end of our process when we were denied our daughter by the Indian government. I was completely shaken and so faithless and discomposed. Yet again, even in my frazzled state, He still showed up. He was in control. He worked it all out, and almost a year later we were meeting our daughter for the first time.

This process will stretch you beyond imagination, but He will bless you immeasurably beyond what you can even fathom. The integrity of the adoption process is not held together by our human effort to control every detail and the timing of all the events. To make it through, we must learn to let go and realize that God holds everything in this world together, and if He has called us to it, He will see us through it.

What situation are you facing right now that only God can resolve? Take a moment and reflect on Jesus’ words “But with God all things are possible.” Use these two small words “But God” when facing your giant and watch it fall!
ڕۆژی 13