21 Days of Prayer for Revivalنموونە

21 Days of Prayer for Revival

DAY 15 OF 21



We have asked God for personal revival and greater intimacy. We have looked at what community revival will entail. What else can we do as we wait for God’s revival? G. Campbell Morgan was a well-known British Bible teacher and evangelist who lived at the beginning of the last century. Here is what he said about revival. “Revival cannot be organized, but we can set our sails to catch the wind from heaven when God chooses to blow upon His people once again.” I like that. We cannot make revival happen, but we can “set the sails.” We can prepare the way. We can get ready. This week we will consider how to prepare for revival. Probably the most frequently quoted verse on getting ready for revival is 2 Chronicles 7:14. Let’s start there. 

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:11-16


The challenges and promises of 2 Chron. 7:14 are addressed to a specific context. We just need to check that out to make sure that this verse is still relevant for us today. Solomon had completed his first major building projects, especially the construction of a magnificent temple for Yahweh (God). Solomon and Israel were doing well spiritually at this stage, but God knew that this would not always be the case. In the future, they would abandon him and suffer the consequences. But God promised Solomon that there would always be a way back to blessing for Israel if they humbly gathered in the temple, abandoned their sin and sought God desperately.  

This pathway to God’s blessing remains true today. We do not need to gather in a temple to pray, and the blessing of God comes more in spiritual prosperity than physical and economic prosperity. But as God’s people humble themselves, pray like crazy, desperately seek God, and desert their disobedience, God promises to see, hear, forgive and pour out his blessing. So that is the way we prepare for revival. That is the way we “set the sails.” We will be exploring this biblical pathway to revival further in the next few days. 

Why didn’t Israel use this pathway to God’s blessing more frequently? Why did they suffer so much? Because they were not desperate enough. They thought they had other options. They believed that somehow they could solve their own problems. It is desperation that drives us to God.

I suffer with renal colic (kidney stones). I have had numerous episodes of excruciating pain as tiny stones descend my ureter. I am told that the pain is worse than the pain of childbirth and I believe it! The advantage of renal colic (if there is one) is that, unlike other health problems, it is impossible to sweep under the carpet and pretend that things are okay. A little twinge and I am straight to the doctor for painkillers. I know what is coming. I can focus on nothing else. I am desperate. It is when we experience this kind of desperation spiritually that we humble ourselves and pray and seek God and turn from sin. Then revival is imminent. 

Prayer Response

Lord we are not okay. Our sin is not alright. The brokenness of our society is not acceptable or solvable. Our lukewarmness is not tolerable. God we need you. There is no other answer. If you don’t do something soon, we are destined to spiritual oblivion. Please forgive us and heal us.

Prayer for Revival

Thank you, Lord, for the good people who are trying to solve our problems. Many are giving so much and it does make a difference. But Lord, our nation is not going to be saved by capable leaders or smart scientists or generous donors. We need you. You are truth. You are hope. You are life. We need you to work in power.

ڕۆژی 14ڕۆژی 16

About this Plan

21 Days of Prayer for Revival

Many of us long for spiritual revival for ourselves, our church, our community, our nation, our world. Through this plan you will commit 21 days to understanding revival, growing your passion for revival, and crying out to God for revival. The first week focuses on personal revival. The second week explores community revival. The final week shows how to prepare for revival. Now is the time to pray for revival.
