The Cross & Easterنموونە

The Cross & Easter

DAY 5 OF 7

“The Perfect Sacrifice”

Jesus Christ, the most unique person in all of history has been the subject of more devotion, study, books, and songs than anyone who has ever lived. His appearance on earth has divided history around His life, B.C. and A.D.

On one occasion Jesus' disciples voiced the question that people have been asking for two thousand years. Having witnessed His miraculous calming of the sea, the Twelve looked at each other and asked, “What kind of a man is this?” (Matthew 8:27)

In other words, who is this Jesus?

The Gospels and the rest of the New Testament were written to answer that question and explain its implications for our lives.

Let’s understand that Jesus is unique because He is the only person who existed before He was born and is the same today as He has always been. He is the only person whose conception had no relationship to His origin, yet He was not a man before His incarnation. By virtue of His birth as a man, Jesus Christ is now both Son of God and Man – deity and humanity.

Jesus Christ claimed to be God when He said, “I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30) This statement is significant because the word one is neuter in form meaning that He and the Father were one, perfect in nature, unified in essence – a personal claim of equality with the Father. Those who heard this statement understood it as a claim to deity and they tried to stone Him for blasphemy for making Himself equal to God (v. 33).

This is critical because His sinless deity and humanity made Him a perfect sacrifice for our sins.


Lord Jesus, thank You for being all perfection and power, yet humbling yourself so I may live. I often take that truth for granted and don’t realize its full impact in my life. Give me wisdom to grasp the depth of Your sacrifice and love. In Christ’s name, amen.

Seek Him, Serve Others

Jesus humbled Himself to the point of death on a cross, yet we are often too proud to help someone in need. Ask God to reveal to you someone He wants you to help – whether through tangible assistance or your time.
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About this Plan

The Cross & Easter

We wear crosses around our necks, but how are we to apply it to our lives? Jesus’ work holds incredible power for us. Without a Friday, there would never have been a Sunday. Easter could not have happened without the cross. Discover how the cross integrates into your life through this devotional reading plan as you prepare your heart for Easter.
