The Passion - Easter Devotionalنموونە

The Passion -  Easter Devotional

DAY 4 OF 7

"Peter Denies Jesus" Devotional - The Passion

“The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: ‘Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.’ And he went outside and wept bitterly.” (Luke 22:61-62, NIV)

At The Last Supper, Peter had declared that he would never deny Jesus, that he would never leave His side. Never say never, Peter. Jesus already knew in that moment that  he would deny him not once, not twice, but three times.

“Never!” Peter said.

After Jesus had been arrested, Peter looked on from a distance as they led him away. A portion of the crowd had gathered in the courtyard, and Peter sat down by the fire. There, a servant girl recognized his earlier proximity to Jesus. But Peter told her, “Woman, I don’t know him.” (v. 57)

Later on, someone accused him of being one of The Twelve, and Peter replied, “Man, I am not!” (v. 58)

Finally, an hour later, a third person confirmed that he had been spotted with Jesus. Verse 60 seals the deal: “Peter replied, ‘Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!’ Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed.”

Haven’t we all been like Peter? We defend ourselves—perhaps with a little bit of pride—and say we would never disown Jesus. Yet, in the next instant when following Jesus becomes too inconvenient, too risky, too uncomfortable or too unpopular, we’re content to pretend like we’re not on His team…or we sit back and say nothing at all. After all, what would people think if we took a stand? What would they say if we aligned ourselves with Jesus?

We often deny Jesus on a regular basis out of fear and pride. And it appears Peter was operating under a bit of trembling and arrogance that day. Let’s just say it wasn’t his finest moment. 

We can identify, can’t we? It’s far easier to just go with the flow than to swim upstream with Jesus. It’s far more acceptable to live in the grey than to stick to black and white beliefs. But that’s not the life Jesus calls us to. He wants our unwavering allegiance at all times. 

The best part of this story actually happens after the resurrection. Jesus comes back from the dead, and the first person He’s looking for is Peter. Can you imagine how terrified Peter must have been? Or maybe it wasn’t terror he was feeling at all. Maybe it was relief—relief that he could finally tell Jesus he was sorry; that he hadn’t meant what he said. When Jesus finds him, He gives him a second chance. Because even when we deny Him, He always gives us chance after chance to follow Him again.

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About this Plan

The Passion -  Easter Devotional

The Passion New Orleans presents a 7-day devotional plan based on bible verses used in the original script from the live television event. The Easter special aired March 20, 2016 on FOX as a modern telling of the story of Jesus Christ through contemporary voices and songs.
