Dying to Liveنموونە

Dying to Live

DAY 3 OF 10

Dying to Control - Living in Peace 

A paradigm is a person's frame of reference. Their paradigm is how they see the world based on all the information they have gathered and the beliefs they possess. A “paradigm shift” occurs when our usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way of thinking or acting. Paradigm shifts often occur around what we call “AHA moments”, when we suddenly understand something in a new or different way, allowing us to see the world in a new light.

As we venture through our teenage years and mature into young adults, most of us start recognizing that we have a paradigm of control within us. I refer to this as our inner “control freak.” It is sometimes dominant, sometimes abated. In this paradigm, we often think that we are the center of our world. That we are in charge and that everything will go according to our plans. As time and age bring wisdom, we learn that we cannot control other people or circumstances. However, it is imperative to know that we can control our responses. 

The response of “letting go of control and letting God” have His way in our lives is a choice to unload the pressure of outcomes. Through faith, yielding ultimate control of the “uncontrollable things” leads to a peace of mind that brings rest. This is a dying to live. The burden is shifted. As we walk, yielded to His higher purposes, life will become a more beautiful journey. Our “control-freak” often leads us down a road full of resentment, exhaustion, disbelief, and disappointment. 

Don’t get me wrong. Life is full of choices that we do control. We can control the temperature in our house, decide what we are going to eat for dinner, etc. But there is so much beyond our control like the weather, others’ behaviors, the news, and many circumstances. We do have the personal responsibility to do all that we can do, but then to trust God with that which we cannot do. Everything in this universe belongs to the Lord. He is actually in control of all things. He even gives humans choice. He will bring glory to His children, He will protect His children, He will carry the burdens of His children. In Him, all things hold together. I am grateful that I am not in charge of the world and I can find rest in that. Someday, we will need to make a paradigm shift from wanting control to wanting the rest that comes from trusting He is in control. Is today that day?


How can you die to your inner “control freak” and choose to walk in a greater trust in our good, good Father? How can you walk in more of the peace that He offers? 


Lord, I am so exhausted by trying to be in charge of my entire world. Teach me your ways and give me the grace to yield to your greater plans for my life. Help me shift my paradigm from desiring control to yielding control.

ڕۆژی 2ڕۆژی 4

About this Plan

Dying to Live

Is it true that there is a “dying to live?” Certainly, there are scenarios in life where we must die to ourselves, to our pride and to our inner control-freak in order to live at peace with others. Life can be exhausting if we think we are in charge of the world. Let’s discuss a new place of freedom.
