7 Joyful Truths About Following Jesusنموونە

7 Joyful Truths About Following Jesus

DAY 7 OF 7

Jesus called those twelve men to walk the same road with him, into the kingdom of God where people were fed, healed, taught, loved, forgiven. He commands us to do the same. In his final words to Peter and the other followers, Jesus spoke what is known as the Great Commission: 

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” 

How is it possible that Jesus chose Peter to do this? How is it possible that he chooses us to bring people into the kingdom of God? 

When Jesus forgave and restored Peter, He had just one question. He didn’t ask, “Will you ever make a mistake again?” He asked, “Do you love me?” He asked three times, to cover Peter’s three denials. And each time when Peter answers “Yes!” Jesus gave him a job to do: Feed my lambs. Take care of my sheep. Feed my sheep. 

What do we need to follow Jesus today and to fulfill God’s great commission? He asks, “Do you love me?” 

How can we not love Jesus, who chose us, who loves us, who comes to us through storms, to a faraway beach, who died in our place to calm the storm of sin and death? We stumble, we run the other way, and still he comes after us. How can we turn away from such perfect love?

Yes, we love him, but our love is small. It’s just imperfect human love. How can that be enough? 

It is enough. 

Because Jesus, who turned water into wine, who calms storms and multiplies fish and bread, he takes what little we have and he multiplies it beyond our wildest imaginings! Jesus’s immeasurable love will make our love enough. 

How can we turn away from such love? How can we turn away from such an invitation?

Follow me.”

“Do not be afraid”


Lord Jesus, sometimes I can’t believe that you called me (me!) to be your follower. And that you chose me (me!) to make disciples. But you have. Increase my small human love, and let your vast and perfect love give me boldness to go out and “feed your sheep” faithfully and well! Amen. 

We adapted this Plan from Crossing the WatersLearn more about this discipleship resource.  


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7 Joyful Truths About Following Jesus

Jesus called the first disciples to "walk the same road" with him. He called ordinary, imperfect men to take the good news of the gospel into all the world. Incredibly, he calls us to do the same. Is this possible? What about storms, doubts, imperfections, and betrayals? Here are seven ways Jesus has uniquely and incredibly equipped us to "walk the same road" to bring the gospel to the world.
