Ever-Present Peaceنموونە

Ever-Present Peace

DAY 3 OF 3

I Don’t Fit In

One night, Colt, a middle schooler, prepared for bedtime. He was very troubled. His mother sat on his bed to talk about the day and join him in bedtime prayer.

Colt shared about a boy at school, David, who awkwardly stood by Colt’s lunch table, where many popular athletes ate. David was born with deformities and had been made fun of most of his life. 

Colt told his mom that one boy at the table had smirked, “Hey, David. why do you keep trying to hang around us?” The mother alarmingly questioned, “Colt, did you stick up for David?” Colt sadly replied, “Kind of,” but Colt felt he hadn’t done enough to defend David.

The two began praying, asking God to help David’s heart. Before mother and son could even say “Amen,” Colt’s mom blurted out, “Colt, do you want to invite David to our house?” Colt excitedly jumped out of bed and hurried to the phone. He invited David to come to his house after school the next day.

David could hardly believe that Colt called him to hang out. Later that night, the two moms talked.  David’s mother shared how they were moving to another state. David would only be at school for two more days. Through tears, she shared, “I begged the Lord to please send David just one student to let him know he would be missed.” In David’s entire life he’d never fit in, never had even one friend, and never had been invited to anyone’s house. David always felt left out!

The next day, David went home with Colt. He shared how he and his mom were moving so that David’s father would never find and hurt them again. Colt quickly decided to make it “David’s Day!” He even gave his new friend a going-away present.

At school the following day, David told all who listened that Colt had invited him over. He was so happy! He moved away, heading off to a new school, with peace, feeling as if he finally fit in.

Can you remember a time when you either were unkind or chose to ignore someone whom you believed was different? Maybe you thought this person just didn’t fit in? When you treat other students poorly or leave them out, this robs them of peace

Or, maybe there are times when you feel as if you don’t fit in. At these times, you are in good company.  Jesus Himself often felt that way. The Bible states that Jesus was misunderstood and even hated by many. 

Isaiah 53:3 states: “People looked down on Him (Jesus). They didn’t accept Him. He knew all about pain and suffering. He was like someone people turn their faces away from. We looked down on Him. We didn’t have any respect for Him.”

Even the popular people, such as the Jewish leaders, could not stand Jesus because He would not comply with what they wanted Him to do. Yes, even Jesus was slighted by others!

In either situation—whether you slight someone or you feel slighted, remember that God is the Author of peace. Psalm 147:3 comforts us with these words: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

God wants you to know today that He and He alone is your Comforter. Only He can bring true peace to your heart. Ask Him today to give you His peace

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About this Plan

Ever-Present Peace

Psalm 139:23-24 says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” If you actually prayed what these verses say and listened for God’s response, how would it change the way you treat others?
