

DAY 5 OF 7


Day 5 Supernatural Power

In the tenth chapter of Joshua we see Joshua speak to his obstacles. He was running out of daylight and he needed the daylight to win this battle, so he spoke to the sun. Joshua 10:13 “The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.” 

Can we make the sun stand still? The Word says Joshua did. I believe the Word so I believe that we can. Is God interested in seeing us trying to control the weather and the planets and life’s natural occurrences? No, I don’t think so. But, is God interested in us trusting in Him to fight our battles? That’s a big yes!

Is God interested in seeing us stop whatever we are doing to pray? Yes. Does God want us to know that with Him on our side, all things are possible? Yes. Does God tell us to have faith and that we will see even greater miracles than Jesus saw on earth? Yes.

Matthew 17:20-21 reads; 

"...Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” 

Friend, you have mountain moving faith on the inside of you, because you carry Christ. I have faith larger than a mustard seed. I believe in the entire Word of God. I believe every word is true. I believe it isn’t just stories. I believe it is the most detailed history book ever written and the most accurate, end times prophetic word ever written. I believe every promise in The Word of God is true. I believe every miracle that God decides to do, when He decides to do them, are true. I believe that God has amazing plans for our lives and they all line up with the guidelines and statutes that He has listed in His Word. I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to heal our bodies. I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to renew our minds. I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to keep us Holy and in right standing with God and I believe that the Holy Spirit is a deposit made in our future inheritance of Heaven.

Friend, I’ve seen God move mountains. I’ve seen God heal. I’ve seen God do miracles. I’ve seen Him work in my life, because, I believe Him. God works miracles for those people who believe in Him. Will you believe with me?

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