1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex Worldنموونە

1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex World

DAY 20 OF 22

20: Humble Servants

How it might have been:

Tryphosa was leaning against the doorway, listening to her husband telling the household manager where to put everyone for that night’s banquet. ‘Gaius must be here, to my right. He’ll be so busy lapping up the honour he won’t even notice what a bad deal I’m offering. And stick Babbius there,’ he said, pointing the far corner of the table. ‘That’ll teach him not to make a fool of me again.’

Status was a big deal in the Roman Empire. Everyone was obsessed with it. If you were a person of high status, you did not hide it. Everything about you reinforced your dignity: how you dressed, where you sat, the way you spoke, and to whom you spoke. 

But just as the Australian Border Force won’t let you bring in live plants in case they interfere with the indigenous ecosystem, so Peter refused to allow Christians to import the values of the world into the church community. That would be crazy. God’s plan is to transform the world through the church, not the other way round!

Therefore, Christian leaders should not see their position within the church as an opportunity to gain wealth and status. Rather, they should be willing to lower themselves for the good of others, operating more on the basis of ‘do as I do’ than ‘do as I say’ (5:2-3).

This was a whole new way of doing business; nothing like how their culture operated, but exactly how Jesus operated. Jesus possessed the ultimate status, yet willingly suffered for the good of others. Leading the Jesus way would require the deep heart change Peter spoke about in chapters 1 and 2. 

Humble, willing service should not just characterise church leaders, but all God’s people. After all, pride incites God’s opposition, but humility invites his favour (5:5). Together, Christians can learn what it means to live humbly, then export this attitude back into their daily lives. Being a humble servant is a disposition of heart that we carry everywhere, not a hat we don before a church service then hang up in the foyer when we leave. 

As church communities, we have a lot of ‘re-learning’ to do, so that our hearts and lives reflect the character of Christ, rather than the sins of our society. So, whether you are leading or following, both inside and outside of church gatherings, be a willing, humble servant. 


Are there any attitudes of the world you are importing into your church community? How does the way of Jesus challenge this and offer a better alternative?

What opportunities is God giving you today to be a willing, humble servant?


Thank God for the example of his Son, Jesus. Pray that like him, you will live as a humble servant, wherever you are and whoever you’re with.


ڕۆژی 19ڕۆژی 21

About this Plan

1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex World

Want to grow in boldness and wisdom as a follower of Jesus in the places where you work, rest, and play? ‘1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex World’ is a 22-day journey through the mind-renewing and confidence-building letter of 1 Peter. Discover how his message to Christians 2000 years ago can empower you to live for Jesus today.
