Testimony: A 10-Day Devotional By Gloria Gaynorنموونە

Testimony: A 10-Day Devotional By Gloria Gaynor

DAY 10 OF 10

Day One

Eph. 5:25-26 talks about Christ washing the church (members) with the Word. 

There are days in all of our lives when we all feel overwhelmed with the cares and woes of our own lives and those of the world around us. With the political climate of our country being in utter turmoil these days and the fact that our country seems to also have lost its moral compass, we all find ourselves dismayed from time to time. Maybe you’re having trouble in your marriage. Perhaps your child seems to be doing poorly in school for no apparent reason, or perhaps you are doing poorly in school and having a hard time with some subject. Maybe you’re suffering from some physical problem you nor your doctor can seem to get a handle on. It doesn’t matter what the problem or concern is; all we need added to our civic concerns is some personal problems to send us to the Lord begging for help. It causes us to want to revert back to a time when all seemed right with the world because we knew the Lord had forgiven us of our sins, loved us and would rescue us from all hurt, harm and danger. 

When the problems we face are more than we can handle on our own, we can still rest assured that the Lord will rescue us. He says He plans a good future for each of us. (Jer. 29:11) He says He will never leave you or forsake you. (Heb. 13:5) He will supply all our needs. (Phil. 4:19) And when we are dismayed about anything we are well advised to ask the Lord how to handle it. (Jas. 1:5) We are right to ask the Lord to take us back to the time in our relationships when we relied fully on Him to do anything and everything we can not handle on our own. He is ready, willing and waiting for us to come to Him as children know to go to their loving fathers for ever present help in time of need. (Ps. 4:1) We need only to trust in Him; and He will give us the grace to rest assured that He will respond in love, mercy and provision. 

ڕۆژی 9