Great Expectationsنموونە

Great Expectations

DAY 1 OF 4

Expectation - A strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future

When you expect greatness, then you will receive greatness. It isn’t a new-age thought. It isn’t a matter of luck. It is a matter of linking your faith with God's word.. 

Expecting greatness, however, is easier said than done. It’s easy to expect greatness when greatness is going on all around you. But when the going gets tough, and the light at the end of the tunnel is getting smaller and smaller, expecting greatness becomes much more difficult.

Expecting greatness is difficult ultimately because it requires us to have faith, something Christians understand all too well. Faith means that above reason, above obstacles, above your own senses, you choose to follow the path before you. Faith is doing something despite the chance of failure. Faith is what happens when the world is saying “no” and God is saying “yes”

And you choose to listen to God.

Expect greatness even when the reality points to something else. Expect everything to work out in the way that God has decided, because they always do. Understand that while you and I make plans, God’s plans are already falling into place. You have to believe in better things, and understand that even if they don’t come to fruition, that they will eventually.

As the end of the year draws near, I expect growth for my family, my friends, my business, and myself. I expect an abundance of blessings, a closing of doors, and an opening of new ones.

I expect greatness.

Today's Expectation: "My words, thoughts, and imaginations are under the power of Christ. I take all thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. I wake up with purpose, direction, and meaning every day of my life. I bring my best and then some. It’s what I bring after my best that makes the difference!"

1. What is one expectation that you have for the new year?

David Villa is author of "Lead Or Be Lunch”, "GRIND", "BRANDED", "MOTIVATED", and founder of iPD, a  Christian-based Marketing, Media & Training company. 

If you'd like to personally connect with David, click here to join his invitation-only Game Changer group on Facebook.

You can also follow David on Twitter @ipdmail search 'OfficialDavidVilla' on Facebook.

ڕۆژی 2

About this Plan

Great Expectations

As the year comes to a close and the new year fast approaches, we reminisce on all that has occurred during the past year. In this plan, David Villa talks about the new year, and how we can ensure it to be a great one. Do you have great expectations for this year?
